네이버㈜(대표이사 최수연)는 30일부터 네이버 통합검색에 생성형 AI 검색 서비스 ‘큐(CUE):’를 적용했다고 밝혔다. 큐: 베타 서비스 사용자는 별도 서비스 페이지 방문 없이 통합검색에서 바로 이용 가능하다. 현재 PC 버전에서 제공 중이며, 내년에는 모바일로도 확대할 계획이다.
From word-based keyword searches to conversational sentence answers
Implementing a natural AI experience interface when searching
By applying generative AI to Naver's integrated search, it will be possible to connect various actions such as information search, shopping, and reservations in an interactive manner.
Naver Corp. (CEO Choi Soo-yeon) announced on the 30th that it has applied the generative AI search service 'CUE:' to Naver's integrated search. Users of the Q: beta service can use it directly in the integrated search without visiting a separate service page. It is currently available on PC, with plans to expand to mobile next year.
'Q:' is a generative AI search service that Naver has been operating as a beta service since last September. It boasts high convenience through linkage with various Naver services such as shopping and local, and provides the latest answers from Naver Knowledge iN.
In particular, through the process of 'human-like searching', Q: It finds information at once that the user would have had to search multiple times by considering the intent and context of the question.
When searching on Naver, in the past, users had to select a search term to find information, check the searched documents, and modify the search term repeatedly, but now, users can get satisfactory search results by typing naturally as if speaking to a person in the search bar.
Depending on the type of query the user enters, Q: answers differently. For long conversational queries with specific intentions, Q: answers can be found right at the top of the search results. For questions that require recommendations or suggestions, such as '~do it', '~tell me', '~recommend it', '~what is it?', if the user enters a search term including the desired location and characteristics, or asks a question including a specific context, it answers effectively.
For example, in Naver Search, which integrates Q: with the query “Find a restaurant in Seongsu-dong that accepts reservations and parking for Christmas,” the user can find places that meet their desired conditions at the top of the search results by linking the Naver Place information and reservation system. It starts with a search for products, recipes, and places, and is linked to services such as shopping, grocery shopping, and reservations, leading to actions without any additional searches.
Naver said, “Q: provides highly reliable information even in information searches.” For example, instead of answering the query “Tell me about festivals in Seoul” by pulling information from the web, it uses a database (DB) linked to a knowledge base to answer based on information related to festivals currently in progress or scheduled to take place.
Also, Q: Recommended Queue is provided at the bottom of the auto-complete service, and an option is provided for users to select and view Q: Answers. Naver applies Q: to integrated search and provides an optimized interface so that users can naturally experience AI during the search process.
Naver Search CIC CEO Kim Gwang-hyun said, “With Q:GA applied to search, users will be able to reach the search results they want more easily and quickly,” adding, “Naver, as the world’s only platform with both content and services, will provide even more competitive services by adding the advantages of generative AI technology.”