인피니언 테크놀로지스(코리아 대표이사 이승수)가 자동차 애플리케이션의 식별 및 인증을 위한 동급 최고의 지문 센서 IC인 CYFP10020A00 및 CYFP10020S00을 출시하며, 자동차에서의 개인화 및 결제 애플리케이션 개발에 이상적인 솔루션을 제공한다.
Launch of Automotive Fingerprint Sensor IC CYFP10020A00·CYFP10020S00
Infineon Technologies AG (Korea CEO Seung-Soo Lee) is launching a best-in-class fingerprint sensor IC for identification and authentication in automotive applications, providing an ideal solution for the development of personalization and payment applications in cars.
Infineon announced on the 21st that it is launching new automotive fingerprint sensor ICs, CYFP10020A00 and CYFP10020S00.
Optimized for Infineon's TRAVEO™ T2G microcontroller family, the fingerprint sensor IC is compliant with the AEC-Q100 requirements of the automotive industry and provides robust fingerprint identification and authentication capabilities.
It is therefore ideal for in-vehicle personalization and authentication for payments for charging, parking and other services, as well as authentication and identification applications in other industries.
Infineon collaborates with Precise Biometrics for biomatch algorithm software to deliver best-in-class fingerprint recognition and authentication solutions.
The CYFP10020A00 sensor supports an operating temperature range of -40 to +85°C, and the CYFP10020S00 supports –40 to +105°C.
The precision capacitive circuitry of both sensors can accurately capture the ridge and valley patterns of a user's fingerprint.
This sensor detects finger touchdown and It can detect lift-off events and optionally track the movements of the user's finger to act as a small trackpad suitable for scrolling and menu selection.
The device can be optimized for different types of coatings and bezels, and this flexibility allows customers to customize the look and feel of the entire module to best fit their design goals.
The sensor offers an 8 x 8 mm sensing area in an 8.9 x 9.3 mm BGA package and supports power supply options ranging from 1.8 to 5.5 V.
Fingerprint data is encrypted with an on-chip AES hardware block and output to a host MCU (e.g. TRAVEO T2G microcontroller) via an SPI interface.
Meanwhile, fingerprint recognition provides accurate and cost-effective biometric performance. Fingerprint recognition reduces driver inconvenience and improves usability compared to other authentication methods such as using a smartphone or entering a PIN into the vehicle's user interface. Biometric functions are an emerging trend in the automotive industry.