서린씨앤아이에서 서멀라이트(Thermalright) 쿨링팬 TL-C12C 시리즈의 새로운 5팩(PACK) 모델을 출시했다.
Providing an economical rolling environment
Surin C&I has released a new 5-pack model of the Thermalright TL-C12C series of cooling fans.
This product is an addition to the existing 1-pack and 3-pack models, and provides a more economical cooling environment.
The TL-C12C series is available in black and white colors, and is divided into regular and ARGB models.
The black general model is TL-C12C, and the ARGB support models are black and white TL-C12C-S and TL-C12CW-S respectively.
This series delivers a maximum speed of 1,550 RPM, a maximum airflow of 66.17 CFM, and a maximum air pressure of 1.53 mmH2O, and the PWM function automatically adjusts the fan speed to provide silence and cooling efficiency depending on system usage.