선도적인 과학기술기업인 머크가 2021년 발표한 일렉트로닉스 사업 부문의 혁신과 생산능력에 대한 ‘레벨 업’ 성장 투자계획이 순조로이 진행 중인 가운데 한국에서의 추가 투자를 위해 반도체 비즈니스의 핵심 요소인 특수 화학물질 및 가스의 납품, 저장을 담당하는 캐서린 데이 카스(Katherine Dei Cas) 수석부사장(Executive Vice President)이 한국의 추가 투자논의를 위해 방한해 관련 시설을 둘러봤다.

▲(From left) Merck Korea CEO Woo-Kyu Kim and Senior Vice President Catherine Day Kass looking around the Merck production facility in Ansan
Catherine Day Kass, Senior Vice President, Ansan DSS Tour
Additional investment discussions following completion of M Chemical merger earlier this year
As the ‘level-up’ growth investment plan for innovation and production capacity in the Electronics business announced by Merck, a leading science and technology company in 2021, is progressing smoothly, the person in charge of the supply and storage of specialty chemicals and gases, which are key elements of the semiconductor business, visited Korea to tour related facilities for additional investment in Korea.
Merck Korea (CEO Woo-Kyu Kim) announced on the 26th that Katherine Dei Cas, Executive Vice President in charge of the Delivery Systems & Services (DS&S) business in the Merck Electronics sector, recently visited Korea to discuss additional investment plans.
Catherine Day Kass, Senior Vice President, is currently inspecting the production facility in Ansan and holding internal meetings, and plans to strengthen cooperation through separate customer meetings.
The Delivery Systems and Services (DS&S) business, which provides high-quality delivery and storage of specialty chemicals and gases, is a key growth engine for the semiconductor business, and will continue to play a leading role in Korea, followed by the Arizona site in the US, which opened last week. It is expected that the growth position of major semiconductor companies will be further strengthened in the rapidly growing semiconductor ecosystem with support from around the world.
Catherine Day Kass, Executive Vice President, said, “The long-term outlook for the global semiconductor market is positive, and Merck’s commitment to expanding our capabilities and services closer to our customers remains robust. We are particularly pleased with the growth trajectory of Merck’s Delivery Systems and Services (DS&S) business, and with the new site we opened last week in Arizona and the investments we are considering in Korea, we aim to take Merck’s confidence in the future of the electronics industry and our business capabilities to a new level.”
Woo-Kyu Kim, CEO of Merck Korea, said, “The equipment for stable supply of gases and chemicals that we have accumulated since our days as Hanyang Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., as well as our experience and expertise in the delivery system and service (DS&S) sector, have been combined with our global supply capabilities and technological prowess through the merger with Merck in 2019, enabling us to implement operational excellence essential for new semiconductor manufacturing. “Merck is currently evaluated as the best key partner through its technology and experience in meeting the needs of global customers leading the semiconductor industry, and we are proud to contribute to technological advancements so that our customers can continue to lead the industry,” he emphasized.
During Senior Vice President Catherine’s visit to Korea, Merck will tour facilities and hold investment review meetings and customer meetings. Merck plans to increase production in line with the expected demand of the semiconductor industry, support customers’ expansion plans, and strengthen its ability to secure supply resilience and stability.
Meanwhile, in the case of Merck Korea, approximately 600 million euros is expected to be invested by 2025, and the first achievement was the acquisition of M Chemical Co., Ltd., a domestic thin film material company, which was completed early this year.

▲Overview of Merck DSS Business Ansan Site