과학기술정보통신부 산하 정부출연연구기관인 한국재료연구원(KIMS, 이하 재료연) 제7대 원장으로 최철진 박사가 선임됐다. 최철진 원장은 4월22일 한국재료연구원 본관동 강당에서 취임식을 갖고 임기 3년의 공식 업무를 시작했다.
▲Choi Cheol-jin, 7th President of Korea Institute of Materials Science
Inauguration of a three-year term on April 22nd, goals such as construction of a second campus
Choi Cheol-jin, the 7th president of the Korea Institute of Materials Science, announced on his inaugural day that he would make all citizens recognize and sympathize with the importance of materials.
Dr. Choi Cheol-jin has been appointed as the 7th president of the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS, hereinafter referred to as KIMS), a government-funded research institute under the Ministry of Science and ICT.
President Choi Cheol-jin began his official duties on April 22nd with an inauguration ceremony held in the auditorium of the main building of the Korea Institute of Materials Science.
President Choi was born in 1961. He graduated from Masan High School in 1979, received a bachelor's degree in metallurgical engineering from Seoul National University in 1984, a master's degree in materials engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1986, and a doctorate in materials engineering from 1997.
In 1986, he was admitted to the Korea Institute of Materials Science and Technology, where he served as the head of the Nano Powder Materials Group, the head of the Nano Functional Powder Research Group, and the head of the Powder/Ceramics Research Center.
Additionally, he received the Industrial Technology Research Association Chairman's Award in 2010, the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning Award in 2014, and the Prime Minister's Award in 2016.
In his inaugural speech, President Choi set the goal of “making all citizens recognize and sympathize with the importance of materials.”
To this end, President Choi promised that: △ the institute will become a domestic materials research and development hub, MOP (Materials Open Platform); △ it will do its best to build a second campus and establish a foundation for extreme materials; △ it will take the lead in serving as a platform for materials-related research institutes and proactively participate in national materials policies; △ it will add flexibility to the research institute’s organizational structure; and △ it will innovate the evaluation system and establish an open research environment.
President Choi continued, “In order to respond to the 4th industrial revolution, we must develop cutting-edge material source technologies and achieve domestic production of materials to prepare for the weaponization of technology/resources by powerful countries.” He added, “A true ‘materials powerhouse’ cannot be formed through the development of the materials industry alone, but can only be achieved when all citizens feel materials in their daily lives and recognize their importance. Let’s all gather our strength and do our best.”
Meanwhile, Director Choi Cheol-jin's term of office is from April 22, 2024 to April 21, 2027, for a total period of three years.