사물인터넷(IoT) 기반 축산 설루션 스타트업 팜프가 포스코인터내셔널이 지난 8일부터 12일까지 캐나다 토론토에서 주관한 시장개척단 행사에 참여해 현지 축산 협회, 기업들과 만나 가축 귀에 부착하는 팜프로의 전자이표(ear tag)를 캐나다 축산시장에 적용하는 방안을 협의했다고 22일 밝혔다.
▲Pampro participated in the business networking seminar held by POSCO International in Toronto, Canada on the 9th. / (Photo: Provided by Palmpro)
POSCO International Joins Canadian Market Development Team
FarmPro, an IoT-based livestock solution startup, announced on the 22nd that it participated in a market development event hosted by POSCO International in Toronto, Canada from the 8th to the 12th, met with local livestock associations and companies, and discussed ways to apply FarmPro's electronic ear tags, which are attached to the ears of livestock, to the Canadian livestock market.
FarmPro applies cutting-edge technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), big data, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to livestock health management, precisely measures body temperature changes in units of 0.1℃, and provides real-time monitoring through correlation analysis based on body temperature and activity data.
At this event, FarmPro met with seven associations and livestock companies, including the Canadian Pork Commission (CPC), the representative organization of the Canadian pork industry, the Beef Federation of Ontario (BFO), and the Ontario Veterinary Medicine Association (OVMA), to discuss ways to block livestock diseases early and increase productivity through electronic ticketing.
Their flagship product, the 'Farm+Care' electronic monitor, measures body temperature and activity level in real time to predict diseases, estrus, and timing of childbirth. Also, 'Farm King' is a smart artificial insemination device that increases the success rate of artificial insemination up to 95%.
Based on innovative technology, FarmPro has entered Central and South America, Oceania, and Mongolia in Asia, which are strong livestock countries, and has been actively advancing into the North American market, including Canada and the United States, since last year. By participating in the 'TRYOUT Smart-X Global' program jointly operated by Incheon Startup Park and POSCO International, it is receiving support for overseas verification and market development activities.
“We emphasized that by applying cutting-edge technology, we can reduce operating costs, increase productivity, and lower livestock mortality rates to 1%, thereby reducing carbon emissions,” said Ji Hyun-cheol, co-CEO of PamPro. “We have been preparing to enter the Canadian market since last year, and this market development team has been a great help in meeting various buyers and organizations.”