글로벌 시장조사기관 마켓츠앤드마켓츠에 따르면 전세계 스마트농업 시장 규모는 매년 9.4%로 성장해 2028년 한화로 약 34조원에 이르는 규모에 다다를 것으로 전망되고 있다. 스마트농업으로의 패러다임 전환에 따라 국내 IT 기업들의 농산업 기술개발이 활발해지고 있다.
▲PalmPro-KT MOU / (Photo: KT)
Livestock startup Farmpro and KT MOU
Livestock health prediction using IoT and AI technology
According to Markets and Markets, a global market research firm, the global smart agriculture market size is expected to grow by 9.4% annually and reach approximately KRW 34 trillion by 2028. With the paradigm shift to smart agriculture, domestic IT companies are actively developing agricultural technology.
Farmpro, a livestock solution startup based on the Internet of Things (IoT), announced on the 16th that it signed a business partnership agreement with KT Jeonnam and Jeonbuk Regional Headquarters to build an IoT system for the livestock industry and collect big data.
FarmPro is a livestock startup that develops technology to determine diseases, estrus, pregnancy, etc. in livestock by measuring body temperature changes through electronic ear tags attached to the ears of livestock. It holds a technology patent that can precisely measure livestock body temperature in units of 0.1℃ and monitor it through correlation analysis of activity data.
Under the agreement, KT will provide a 5G-based industrial communication network and support the systems required for electronic token production and IoT platform construction. FarmPro plans to build a health management platform for livestock at local livestock farms by utilizing the KT network.
Livestock health data is accumulated on cloud servers, allowing livestock farms to prevent diseases or block the spread of diseases early. FarmPro and KT plan to develop cloud data into an AIoT (AI of Things) platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze the data.
FarmPro is attempting to actively advance into overseas markets based on 'Farm Plus Care', which utilizes electronic tickets, and 'Farm King', a smart artificial insemination device. It has entered Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and Mongolia, which are livestock powerhouses, and plans to enter the North American market this year.
Using PalmPro's label, the mortality rate of calves within six months of birth can be reduced by one-tenth, and 'FarmKing' can double the chances of a cow becoming pregnant, PalmPro said.
“This collaboration with KT, which has shown continuous interest in innovative technologies, is very meaningful,” said Ji Hyun-cheol, CEO of PamPro. “We will meet the needs of the livestock industry with better solutions.”
KT Jeonnam Jeonbuk Branch Customer Headquarters Director Yongnam Kim said, “Based on KT’s platform that focuses on stability and security, we will work with Palm Pro to lead innovation in the domestic and international IoT industry.”