자이스 코리아는 여성 근로자와 청년층의 신규 채용 비율을 지속적으로 증가시키고, 장애인 근로자 채용도 확대해 국내 양질의 일자리 창출에 기여한 공로로 인정 받았다.
▲2024 Ministry of Employment and Labor Job Creation Award Ceremony / (Photo: Zeiss Korea)
Continued expansion of employment of women, youth, and the disabled, and conversion to regular employment
Introduction of family-friendly working conditions, flexible work hours, and telecommuting
ZEISS Korea was recognized for its contribution to creating quality jobs in Korea by continuously increasing the percentage of new female and young workers hired and expanding the hiring of disabled workers.
Global optics company Zeiss Korea announced on the 5th that it was selected as the '2024 Best Employment Company' by the Ministry of Employment and Labor. Zeiss Korea explained that this selection as the Best Employment Company was the result of continuously improving employment policies and implementing various programs to improve employee welfare.
As of 2023, the percentage of female employees among all employees of Zeiss Korea reached 39.2%, and the youth employment rate reached 62.2%. In addition, the employment rate of the disabled compared to the mandatory employment rate reached 87.3%, and the company achieved the result of converting 83.3% of irregular workers to regular workers.
Zeiss Korea also operates various support systems for family-friendly working conditions and has been creating a great working environment. We provide time for employees and their families to spend together through family invitation events every year, and we also provide financial support for children from preschool to college age.
In addition, in order to encourage work-family balance, we support both female and male workers to freely use childcare leave, and we are introducing a flexible work system for workers raising children in particular to increase employee job satisfaction.
Efforts to improve the work environment are also continuing. Zeiss Korea is introducing a flexible work schedule and a telecommuting system to help employees maintain a work-life balance. As of 2023, a flexible work environment is guaranteed to the extent that one third of all employees will utilize the telecommuting system.
Jeong Hyeon-seok, CEO of Zeiss Korea, said, “This selection as the Best Company for Jobs is the result of the ‘people-centered’ management philosophy that Zeiss Korea has continuously pursued,” and added, “We will continue to work to create more quality jobs and foster an environment where employees can achieve self-development and career growth.”