산업 AI 기반 설비 예측진단 솔루션 스타트업 원프레딕트(윤병동 대표, onepredict.ai)가 5월1일부터 3일까지 서울 코엑스(COEX)에서 열리는 ‘2024 국제 전기전력 전시회’에 참가한다.
Predicting failures of industrial equipment such as motors, transformers, and rotating machines using industrial AI
OnePredict (CEO Byung-dong Yoon, onepredict.ai), a startup that provides industrial AI-based facility predictive diagnosis solutions, participated in the 2024 International Electric Power Exhibition and showcased its GuardiOne product line, demonstrating its industrial facility predictive maintenance technology.
OnePredict announced that it will participate in the '2024 International Electric Power Exhibition' held at COEX in Seoul from May 1st to 3rd.
OnePredict will exhibit its ‘Guardione’ product line, an industrial AI-based facility predictive maintenance solution, at COEX Hall C, Booth G308, and conduct on-site consultations.
The International Electric Power Exhibition, now in its 20th year, is the largest domestic electric power industry exhibition hosted by the Korea Electrical Engineers Association and organized by K.Fairs, Seoul Messe, and Smart & Company.
Every year, products, technologies, and solutions related to electric power facilities, LED lighting, power generation and nuclear power plants, smart grids, and ESG industries are introduced.
The GardiOne product line that OnePredict is showcasing at this exhibition is a PdM (Predictive Maintenance) solution that diagnoses and predicts the status of equipment based on industrial AI and IoT.
Effectively manage equipment used in various industries such as petrochemicals, manufacturing, power generation, energy, and utilities to avoid unexpected Minimize downtime and losses due to unexpected failures.
The GuardiOne product line consists of ‘GuardiOne Motor’, a comprehensive motor diagnosis management solution, ‘GuardiOne Substation’, a transformer predictive maintenance management solution, and ‘GuardiOne Turbo’, a vibration and operating factor-based turbine comprehensive diagnosis management solution.
The Guardione Motor analyzes the current data of the motor equipment to diagnose the motor's condition, determine signs of defects, and minimize possible failures in the future.
It is characterized by its simplicity, which can be installed within 10 minutes, and its intuitive dashboard, making it easy to introduce and use.
In addition, motors that are difficult to access, buried underground or underwater, or large-scale motor installations with more than 1,000 units can be monitored and managed digitally.
The Guardian Substation uses AI technology to analyze DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) data to diagnose the condition of oil-immersed transformers and predict failures.
By utilizing 140,000 big data sets, the largest in Korea, we provide 98% diagnostic accuracy and 87% prediction accuracy, which are more accurate than international standards.
GuardiOne Turbo manages and diagnoses faults in large rotating equipment through combined analysis of vibration and operating factors.
When introducing a turbo, it is possible to reduce the cost of unexpected breakdowns, which amounts to approximately 600 million won per unit.
In addition, Turbo was recognized for its technological innovation by being designated as an excellent research and development innovation product by the Ministry of Science and ICT.
This year, OnePredict will introduce ‘GuardiOne PDX’, a digital industrial asset management platform.
A new process-design that can realize SDM (Software Defined Manufacturing) based on AI and data and build a smart factoryIt is a non-integrated management platform. It can easily understand the status of equipment and potential failures by incorporating generative artificial intelligence.
Meanwhile, OnePredict established a Texas corporation in the United States in 2023, expanded its business, and is now approaching its goal of becoming a global unicorn company in the predictive maintenance solution sector. In addition, it is participating in various industrial exhibitions, including the 'Smart Factory & Automation Industry Exhibition (SFAW) 2024' held in March, to expand its sales channels.