사용 후 배터리 시장규모가 2030년 70조원에서 2050년에는 600조원으로 폭발적인 성장을 이룰 것으로 예상되는 가운데 산업교육연구소가 이에 발맞춰 폐배터리 재활용 활성화 이슈와 새로운 공정 기술 등을 공유하는 자리를 마련했다.
Introduction of integrated management system and policy promotion direction for domestic electric vehicle waste batteries
Sharing cases of development of new dry process technology for recycling cathode materials and expected effects As the market size of used batteries is expected to grow explosively from 70 trillion won in 2030 to 600 trillion won in 2050, the Industrial Education Research Institute has prepared a forum to share issues related to activating recycling of used batteries and new process technologies.
The Industrial Education Research Institute announced that it will hold an online and offline seminar on 'Electric Vehicle Waste Battery Recycling Activation Issues and (New) Process Technology Introduction and Demonstration/Application Cases' on May 10th.
This seminar will begin with an integrated management system and policy promotion direction for domestic electric vehicle waste batteries, followed by sessions introducing issues in raw material extraction technology development, safety inspection systems and testing methods for used electric vehicle batteries, and technology development for dry complete discharge systems.
In addition, a session was prepared on various information on electric vehicle waste batteries, including the current status and direction of lithium-ion battery recycling technology, cases of development of new dry process technology for cathode material recycling, and expected effects.
This seminar will be held from 10:00 AM to 5:10 PM and will feature presentations from organizations such as the Korea Environment Corporation, the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, and Solar Light Company.
An official from the Industrial Education Research Institute said, “We will not only forecast the latest policy directions in the field of recycling electric vehicle waste batteries, but also technological trends, research directions, and future industrial trends. He said, “This event will not only introduce successful cases but also share commercialization cases,” and “We plan to provide vivid research and technology development experiences, future business opportunities, and market information that can be preempted, so we ask for the participation of many interested parties.”
For more detailed information, please visit the Industrial Education Research Institute website.