배터리 소재 기업 엘앤에프가 시무식을 개최하고 2025년을 기술혁신과 조직 역량 강화의 원년으로 삼고, 지속가능한 성장 실현에 나선다고 10일 발표했다.

▲Vice Chairman Choi Su-an delivers a New Year’s address at the New Year’s ceremony held at L&F’s Daegu headquarters on the 2nd. / (Photo: L&F)
CEO Choi Soo-an, “Accelerating New Year Innovation, Full-scale Growth Starting in 2026”
Battery materials company L&F announced on the 10th at its inauguration ceremony that it will make 2025 the first year of technological innovation and strengthening organizational capabilities and move forward to achieve sustainable growth.
L&F has announced its 2025 management strategy, declaring a “breakthrough” to overcome the chasm. In his New Year’s address at the company’s inauguration ceremony held at its Daegu headquarters on the 2nd, Vice Chairman and CEO Choi Soo-an emphasized, “2025 will be a turning point where we overcome the last crisis and move beyond the crisis to growth for our company.” He added, “We will complete preparations this year and achieve full-scale growth starting in 2026.”
L&F has proposed three key strategies for achieving sustainable growth: △maximizing efficiency through innovation, △strengthening market position, and △investing in talent. This year, it plans to enhance productivity and profitability through digital transformation and internal process innovation, and strengthen its differentiated position in the market through customer base diversification.
In particular, he emphasized sustainable customer diversification through quality stability and product technology that exceeds customer needs, and stressed the importance of operational management along with quality assurance. In addition, we plan to create a corporate culture that grows together with employees and increase social value through talent-centered ESG management.
We are also actively pursuing securing future growth engines. Based on our experience operating the LFP cathode material pilot line, LNF is preparing for full-scale mass production in 2026, and plans to showcase related technologies at the 'InterBattery 2025' exhibition at COEX in March of this year.
Last year, L&F succeeded in mass producing NCMA95 cathode materials for the new cylindrical form factor '46 pi' for the first time in the world, and signed a long-term supply contract with SK On for high-nickel cathode materials for 3 million electric vehicles (300,000 tons) over 7 years. In addition, it was selected as the main company for the 'LFP Battery Technology Development' national project of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, laying the foundation for taking the lead in the next-generation battery materials market.
It also achieved results in establishing a foundation for sustainable growth. It signed a renewable energy PPA (power purchase agreement) agreement with Hyundai Engineering & Construction to lay the foundation for achieving RE100. It signed a strategic agreement with logistics company Sebang to establish a battery circular economy system, and plans to maximize cost competitiveness through vertical integration of cathode materials from ‘raw materials → precursor → cathode material → recycling.’
Vice Chairman Choi Soo-an emphasized, “Despite the uncertain external environment, we have achieved meaningful results in the global market, and starting from 2025, we will accelerate innovation to overcome the crisis and create even more brilliant results in 2026.” He continued, “Human assets are the greatest driving force for growth, and we will not spare systematic education and support so that our members can fully demonstrate their capabilities.”