방송통신위원회(위원장 김홍일)가 6월1일부터 ‘대량문자전송사업자 전송자격인증제‘를 본격 시행한다. 전송자격인증제란 인터넷망을 이용해 대량의 문자전송서비스를 제공하는 △KT △LGU+ △SKB △CJ올리브네트웍스 △다우기술 △인포뱅크 △스탠다드네트웍스 △슈어엠 △젬텍 같은 문자재판매사업자가 서비스를 시작하기 전에 문자중계사업자로부터 전송자격인증을 받아야만 광고성 문자를 발송할 수 있도록 한 제도다.
Transmission qualification certification system to be fully implemented on June 1
From now on, in order to conduct a business that sends bulk text messages, such as advertisements, you must be certified.
The Korea Communications Commission (Chairman Hong-il Kim) announced that it will fully implement the ‘Bulk Text Message Service Transmission Qualification Certification System’ starting June 1.
The Transmission Qualification Certification System is a system that requires text message resale businesses such as KT, LGU+, SKB, CJ Olive Networks, Daou Technology, Infobank, Standard Networks, SureM, and Gemtech, which provide mass text message transmission services using the Internet, to receive transmission qualification certification from a text message relay business operator before starting their services in order to send advertising text messages.
This is a system to prevent text message resale businesses that are in a legal blind spot, such as the so-called 'Tteotdabang', where the location of the business is unclear and it is difficult to crack down on illegal spam transmission.
In the future, text message resale business operators who wish to start a bulk text message transmission business will be able to operate the text message transmission service after receiving transmission qualification certification, and existing text message resale business operators must also receive transmission qualification certification within 6 months from the date of implementation.
In addition, if it is confirmed that a text message resale business operator who has received transmission qualification certification has sent illegal spam, they will be subject to practical sanctions such as suspension of transmission.
The Korea Communications Commission stated that by operating a private sector-based transmitter qualification certification system, it will reduce phishing and other bait text messages and contribute to preventing crimes against the public that start with malicious text messages.