SK하이닉스가 ‘에코얼라이언스(ECO Alliance) 워크숍’을 통해 소부장 협력사들과 온실가스 감축 공동 선언을 진행하며, 사업장 외부에서 발생하는 배출량이 스코프(Scope) 3 배출량 감축 강화에 본격 나선다.
Joint Declaration of Greenhouse Gas Reduction with Small Business Partners
SK Hynix is joining hands with its small and medium-sized business partners to begin reducing greenhouse gas emissions in earnest, and is moving to strengthen the reduction of Scope 3 emissions generated outside of its business sites.
SK Hynix announced that it held the 'ECO Alliance Workshop' at Doosan Tower in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do on the 24th and made a joint declaration to reduce greenhouse gases.
On this day, SK Hynix announced its greenhouse gas reduction strategy, and 28 member companies, including Air Liquide and Solbrain, joined the declaration by announcing individual reduction goals through the use of renewable energy, energy conservation, and resource recycling.
These member companies' greenhouse gas emissions last year amounted to 50% of SK Hynix's Scope 3 major raw material emissions, and this collaboration between the companies is expected to contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the semiconductor industry in the future.
At the workshop, SK Hynix looked back on its Eco Alliance activities over the past three years and announced its greenhouse gas reduction plan across all areas of Scope.
The strategy is to directly reduce Scope 1 emissions by realizing low-carbon processes through the development of low-GWP gases, process optimization, and improving scrubber efficiency, while reducing Scope 2 emissions by procuring renewable energy and managing energy usage.
In addition, Scope 3 emissions are collected and calculated by △collecting and calculating greenhouse gas emissions data from partners. The plan is to reduce greenhouse gases by supporting the achievement of greenhouse gas reduction goals by partner companies.
In addition, the company decided to operate an ESG fund to help Eco Alliance member companies achieve their greenhouse gas reduction goals, support their participation in government-supported renewable energy projects, and continue to conduct various programs such as regular training and practical/management workshops.