매트랩 엑스포에서 매스웍스의 고객과 기술 전문가들이 △인공지능 △전동화 △무선 및 신호처리 등 주요 기술 트렌드에 대한 모범 사례와 인사이트를 공유했다. 올해는 △삼성전자 △현대자동차 △퀄리타스반도체 △한국전기연구원(KERI) △포스텍(POSTECH) 등 산업별 기술 전문가가 참석해 매스웍스 제품군을 활용한 기술 성과와 인사이트를 공유했다.
▲MATLAB EXPO 2024 Korea
Thousands of domestic technology experts gather to exchange ideas
Presentation of digital engineering cases and technology trends
At MATLAB Expo, MathWorks customers and technical experts shared best practices and insights on key technology trends such as AI, electrification, wireless, and signal processing. This year, industry-specific technical experts from Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor Company, Qualitas Semiconductor, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute (KERI), and POSTECH attended to share technical achievements and insights utilizing MathWorks product lines.
MathWorks Korea successfully held a press conference for 'MATLAB EXPO 2024 Korea (hereinafter referred to as MATLAB EXPO)' at the Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas on the 11th.
In his keynote address, MathWorks Industry Director Arun Mulpur presented on the topic, “The Impact and Direction of Model-Based Design for Digital Engineering.” In his presentation, Director Arun Mulfer emphasized the significant contribution that MathWorks’ solutions have made to digital engineering by streamlining the complex system design process through design task automation and digital system extension.
At the Expo, Mercedes-Benz was introduced as a case study that used MathWorks software to improve process efficiency in automobile development. Mercedes-Benz built a workflow to convert physical sensors into virtual sensors, reducing sensor installation and maintenance costs during automobile development and increasing development speed by six times compared to the previous manual development process.
Mercedes-Benz also collaborated with MathWorks engineers to convert deep learning models into code that can be deployed on automotive ECUs, implement virtual sensor neural networks, and simulate automotive sensors using MathWorks’ Deep Learning Toolbox and Simulink.
The customer case presentation introduced various digital engineering cases in the mobility field using MathWorks solutions. HL Klemove introduced a case study of developing reliable autonomous driving software through model-based system engineering using MATLAB, and Hyundai Kepco presented a method of designing and training a deep learning model for a mobility controller using MATLAB.
“MathWorks products and workflows, which form the foundation of Model-Based Design, have a proven, reliable and scalable platform that helps engineers design innovative products and bring them to market faster,” said Arun Mulpur, MathWorks Industry Director. “For nearly 25 years, Model-Based Design has served as the digital engineering foundation for the development of advanced engineering systems as industry demands grow complexity, new technologies and regulatory changes.”
In his welcoming speech that day, Jongmin Lee, CEO of MathWorks Korea, said, “I am pleased to provide an opportunity for experts from various industries to share successful cases of introducing MathWorks solutions, including MATLAB and Simulink, at MATLAB Expo.” He added, “MathWorks will continue to strive to provide new insights to the engineering field through information sharing and networking opportunities at events like MATLAB Expo.”