과학기술정보통신부(장관 유상임)는 9월25일 오후 1시30분, 한국과학기술회관(서울 강남구 테헤란로7길22)에서 ‘제4차 전파진흥기본계획(안)’에 대한 공청회를 개최한다.
September 25th, 1:30 PM, Korea Science and Technology Hall
The Ministry of Science and ICT (Minister Yoo Sang-im) will hold a public hearing on the '4th Basic Plan for Radio Promotion (draft)' at 1:30 PM on September 25th at the Korea Science and Technology Center (22 Teheran-ro 7-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul).
The Ministry of Science and ICT has established the Basic Plan for Radio Promotion every five years since 2009 in order to promote radio use, develop new radio-related technologies, and advance industries in accordance with the Radio Act. The 4th Basic Plan for Radio Promotion is a mid- to long-term radio policy direction for supporting the radio industry, securing and supplying radio resources, and activating radio use in response to digital innovation in all social and economic sectors.
Since May 2023, the Ministry of Science and ICT has organized a subcommittee on new industries/satellites/broadcasting/laws/systems/radio resources/radio environment with a total of 90 experts from industry, academia, and research, and has held a total of 60 meetings to discover various tasks.
Recently, we held three separate external review meetings (August) with the Radio Policy Advisory Council and approximately 40 people from business, research, and academia in attendance (September) to collect and reflect diverse opinions from the field.
At this public hearing, following the Ministry of Science and ICT's explanation of the '4th Basic Plan for Radio Promotion (draft)', a panel discussion will be held with experts from industry, academia, and research as well as consumer groups, and the final session will be a Q&A session and listening to the opinions of the audience.
Additionally, we plan to make the recording of the hearing available online so that anyone can listen to the recording and provide comments even after the hearing has concluded.