영상인식 인공지능(AI) 전문기업 알체라가 금융 플랫폼 전문기업 아이티아이즈와 금융권 비대면 채널 서비스 구축 전문기업 ㈜레이풀시스템과 함께 우리은행 안면인증 시스템 구축을 위한 안면정보 분산관리 솔루션 공급계약을 체결했다고 4일 밝혔다.
Protecting financial customers from biometric information leaks
Alchera, a company specializing in image recognition artificial intelligence (AI), announced on the 4th that it has signed a contract to supply a facial information distributed management solution for the establishment of Woori Bank's facial authentication system with ITIs, a financial platform company, and Rayful System, a company specializing in the establishment of non-face-to-face financial channel services.
Alchera has entered into a partnership with Chloesoft, a security and authentication solution company, to provide a bioinformation distribution solution and has conducted joint development.
Alchera reported that protection against the risk of personal information leakage has been strengthened as Woori Bank customers' personal information is stored in a distributed manner.
The bio-information distribution management solution is a solution that extracts unique features from an individual's face and stores and manages facial information by distributing it in the data centers of financial institutions and financial settlement institutions.
When a customer using a financial institution attempts to authenticate themselves, some of the characteristics of the customer's facial recognition information stored in each data center are combined into one and compared to real-time facial information to verify their identity.
By distributing and managing biometric information that cannot be modified or changed to each data center, the risk of centralized management can be reduced, and access control can be strengthened to prevent hacking or information leaks.
Last year, Alchera participated as a supplier in the Financial Supervisory Service's 'Facial Recognition Joint System Construction Project'.quo; The introduction of facial recognition solutions by financial companies has begun in earnest. Accordingly, the Personal Information Protection Commission is recommending the separation of facial information and the operation of a separate storage system through the ‘Biometric Information Protection Guidelines’.
Meanwhile, Hwang Young-gyu, CEO of Alchera, said, “By establishing the Financial Supervisory Service’s biometric information distributed management solution, Alchera has gained another competitive edge in the facial authentication field,” and “By enabling domestic financial institutions and fintech companies to establish a safe financial system, we will enable customers using financial services to conduct financial transactions with peace of mind.”