과학기술정보통신부 유상임 장관은 8월 17일 오전 한국인터넷진흥원(KISA) 인터넷침해대응센터(KISC)를 방문해 2024년도 을지훈련에 앞서 사이버 보안 현장을 방문했다고 밝혔다
▲2024 Ulchi Exercise Morning Daily Situation Report (Photo = Ministry of Science and ICT)
Enterprises, 'Artificial Intelligence' #1 Cyber Threat in Q2 2024
Korea Internet & Security Agency, Cyber Threat Response System Inspection
As part of the '2024 Ulchi Exercise', an inspection of the cyber threat response status and response system was conducted.
Minister of Science and ICT Yoo Sang-im visited the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) Internet Security Center (KISC) on the morning of August 17 to inspect the cyber security site ahead of the 2024 Ulchi exercise. In addition, the Ministry of Science and ICT announced that it conducted a mock training on August 20 to prepare for GPS radio interference response.
The Ulchi Exercise is a training exercise conducted by public organizations and private organizations in major cities to prepare for national crisis management and transition to wartime before war. This year, it will be conducted from late August to early September, in conjunction with civil defense training.
According to a Gartner survey, concerns about malicious attacks using artificial intelligence (AI) topped the new risk rankings for the second quarter of 2024. Soft ransomware also emerged as a new concern.
In response, the Ministry of Science and ICT aims to secure the stability of digital services and to be alert to and respond to cyber threats as cyberattacks become more sophisticated and routine.
The Ministry of Science and ICT is operating a 24-hour inspection system together with the Korea Internet & Security Agency. In addition, in the event of a cyber-intrusion at domestic companies, etc., we maintain a constant response system with relevant organizations, telecommunications companies, and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) of major companies to prevent the spread of damage and ensure rapid recovery through emergency blocking based on a rapid reporting system.
Minister Yoo Sang-im encouraged the hard work of the relevant staff who are operating the 24-hour inspection system even on weekends, and asked them to “dedicate themselves to rapid detection and response to cyber threats so that the people and businesses can go about their daily lives with peace of mind.”