SKT가 국내 통신사 최초로 'AI 경영시스템' 국제표준인 ‘ISO/IEC 42001’ 인증을 획득했다고 25일 밝혔다. 서울시 중구에 위치한 SKT타워에서 진행된 인증 수여식에는 SKT 정재헌 대외협력 담당(사장), 한국표준협회 강명수 회장 등이 참석했다.
Obtained 'ISO/IEC 42001' certification
'THE AI', Establishing Governance Principles
SKT has acquired international standards for AI management systems, enabling companies and organizations to build and operate AI systems based on ethical responsibility.
SKT announced on the 25th that it has become the first domestic telecommunications company to receive certification for the international standard for 'AI management system', 'ISO/IEC 42001'. The certification ceremony held at SKT Tower in Jung-gu, Seoul was attended by SKT's President of External Cooperation, Jaeheon Jeong, and Korea Standards Association Chairman Myungsoo Kang.
'ISO/IEC 42001' (Artificial Intelligence Management System) is a global standard for artificial intelligence management systems jointly established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The detailed evaluation items are: △AI policy △AI risk assessment △AI risk handling △AI impact assessment △AI ethics compliance and regulatory response △Transparency of AI management process, etc.
SKT said, “Through this ‘ISO/IEC 42001’ certification, we have received international recognition for effectively implementing AI risk management based on reliability and safety.”
He also expressed his ambition, saying, “We expect that by applying the AI management system not only to the communications industry but also to various other industries, we will be able to greatly contribute to strengthening our competitiveness in the global market and making a leap forward as a trustworthy global AI company.”
Last January, SKT decided to introduce AI governance into its corporate management based on ethical use of AI technology and a transparent decision-making system to ensure the reliability and safety of AI and ensure strong execution of its AI pyramid strategy.
To this end, we established a dedicated AI governance organization, established an AI governance process, and established AI governance necessary for overall management. In March, we disclosed ‘THE AI’, the basic principles of AI governance, and laid the foundation for a decision-making system to leap forward as a global AI company based on the identity of a mobile communications company.
'THE AI' stands for 'by Telco, for Humanity, with Ethics AI'. It symbolizes the characteristics (Telco, based on communication technology), goals (Humanity, toward and for people), and values (Ethics, centered on ethical values) of SKT AI and the AI governance principles that follow.
SKT's Jaeheon Jeong, in charge of external cooperation, said, "Through this international standard certification, we have solidified our position as an AI company that communicates with stakeholders on the global stage based on trust and safety." He added, "Through this, we will accelerate the execution of the 'AI pyramid strategy' and leap forward as a global AI company."