KT가 지넌 31일 KT판교사옥에서 ‘KT 디지털 인재 장학금’ 수혜자 60여명을 초대해 ‘AICT 세미나’를 열었다.
AI technology special lectures for AI/IoT majors, etc.
Scholarships provided to approximately 12,000 students
On the 31st, KT held an 'AICT Seminar' at the KT Pangyo office building, inviting around 60 recipients of the 'KT Digital Talent Scholarship'.
The digital talent scholarship students who attended this seminar participated in activities to understand and experience various technologies as AI talents.
The KT Digital Talent Scholarship is a social contribution project that KT has been promoting since 1988. It is operated as a program such as ESG-type social venture special lectures, company visits, and environment and technology-related task performance. As of 2023, scholarships have been provided to approximately 12,000 students.
KT AI technology staff explained the latest AI trends including KT AI Future Education Platform (EduAX), generative AI, and Anyang City Smart City Integrated Center to students majoring in future technologies such as AI and IoT. Students who visited the site experienced the AI autonomous bus 'Juyaro' operated jointly by KT and Anyang City.
KT ESG Management Promotion Office Director Oh Tae-seong said, “We planned this event to provide scholarship students with an opportunity to expand their knowledge of AI technology and learn how to apply it in practice,” and added, “We will continue to strive to foster digital talents with AX capabilities as an AICT Company.”