KT가 중앙대학교병원(이하 중앙대병원) 고객센터에 도입한 ‘KT 에이센(A'cen)'의 'AI 보이스봇' 기능을 고도화해 신규 고객의 예약접수를 지원한다고 8일 밝혔다.
KT Acen, the first AICC robot in a general hospital
Convenience of reservation support for the elderly↑… Average waiting time 77%↓
KT announced on the 8th that it is enhancing the 'AI voice bot' function of 'KT A'cen', which was introduced to the customer center of Chung-Ang University Hospital (hereinafter referred to as Chung-Ang University Hospital), to support reservation reception for new customers. KT A'cen is a service that combines cloud capabilities with the AICC (Artificial Intelligence Contact Center) solution.
KT and Chung-Ang University Hospital precisely analyzed customer inquiry patterns to develop an AI voice bot called 'AI Nuribot'. They have been using this AI Nuribot to manage customer reservation schedules since September of last year.
Starting this month, we will be the first among domestic general hospitals to begin accepting new reservations due to advanced functions.
Previously, AI Nuribot only managed reservation schedules, including confirmation, changes, and cancellations, for reservations received through counselors, but a reservation reception function has been added. Reservations can be made without time constraints, and even the elderly who are not familiar with digital screens such as chatbots or visible ARS can easily make reservations using just a voice call.
For example, if a customer calls the hospital customer center, completes identity verification, and states the desired treatment subject, such as “ENT appointment” or “sinus disease examination,” the AI Nuribot will provide information on available treatment schedules and quickly process the reservation.
KT said, “After the introduction of the AI Nuribot service, about 100,000 customers have used it,” and “The customer inquiry response rate increased by about 10% compared to before the introduction of the service, and the average consultation waiting time was shortened by about 77% from 30 seconds to 7 seconds.”
In particular, when entering the keypad for identity verification during consultation, the authentication process was shortened to only entering the 6-digit date of birth, reducing the customer call abandonment rate by approximately 14%. It is explained that the recognition rate was increased to approximately 92% by creating AI consultation examples using frequently used words and inquiry data from customers.
To this end, KT, together with KTis, the operator of the Chung-Ang University Hospital customer center, collected conversation data coming into the customer center and analyzed call records. In particular, we conducted a comprehensive inspection of VUX (Voice UX) to ensure that customers do not feel uncomfortable during calls.
Meanwhile, KT is currently providing AI consulting solutions to clients in various fields such as healthcare, finance, and public institutions based on A'cen's capabilities, and is focusing on incorporating high-quality AI technology into the overall customer center operations of clients.
Lee Mi-hee, managing director of AI Platform Business Division, Strategy and New Business Division, KT, said, “We were able to achieve positive introduction effects of KT AI Voice Bot through active collaboration with Chung-Ang University Hospital,” and added, “We will lead the domestic AICC market by combining KT’s differentiated AICT capabilities and KTis’ customer center operation know-how specialized in the hospital and medical fields.”