한국전자기술연구원(KETI)이 생성형 AI를 기반으로 사용자의 상황과 명령을 이해해 신체 및 정서적 자립을 지원할 수 있는 로봇을 개발하며, 고령자와 장애인 등 사회적 약자들에게 많은 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
Generative AI-based life support mobile robot system
Support for physical and emotional independence, understanding of user situations and commands
A robot that can support physical and emotional independence by understanding the user's situation and commands based on generative AI has been developed, and is expected to be of great help to the socially disadvantaged, such as the elderly and the disabled.
The Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI) announced on the 25th that it has developed a mobile robot based on generative AI.
The robot developed by the KETI research team can handle workpieces up to 1.8 meters high from the floor, and is equipped with an AI model that understands the user's commands and situations.
Along with this, the research team developed a height-adjustable manipulator, a gripper specifically for daily necessities, and work planning technology. We are currently validating its usability in a validation test bed.
The robot provides cognitive, emotional and physical support services and is aimed at the elderly and people with disabilities.
This technology aims to support the lives of the socially disadvantaged and is expected to be used as a standard case for future intelligent robot service companies.
Based on this development achievement, KETI is pursuing technology transfer to domestic mobile robot companies.
Hwang Jeong-hoon, head of KETI’s Intelligent Robotics Research Center, said, “We are focusing on research for the socially disadvantaged based on robot and AI technology,” and “KETI will support the commercialization of AI robot technology.”