한국재료연구원(KIMS, 원장 최철진)이 제57회 과학의 날을 맞아 과학기술 훈장 1점, 국무총리 표창 1점, 과학기술정보통신부 장관 표창 6점, 총 8점의 과학기술 진흥 유공 정부포상을 수상했다.
President Choi Cheol-jin, “We will play a leading role with practical research results”
The Korea Institute of Materials Science received a total of eight government awards for its contribution to the advancement of science and technology on Science Day, including the Korea Institute of Materials Science President Choi Cheol-jin receiving the Order of Merit for Science and Technology Promotion. The awards were recognized for their contributions to the advancement of science and technology.
The Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS, President Choi Cheol-jin) announced that it received a total of eight government awards for its contribution to the promotion of science and technology, including one Order of Science and Technology, one Prime Minister’s Award, and six Minister of Science and ICT Awards on the 57th Science Day.
Director Choi Chul-jin of the Materials Research Institute was awarded the Order of Merit for the Promotion of Science and Technology (Jinbojang) in recognition of his contributions to the development of design and manufacturing technology for non-rare earth type permanent magnets (the best project in the mechanical materials field of the 2020 National Research and Development Excellence 100) and the technology transfer of a new nanopowder manufacturing process (plasma process).
In addition, the Korea Institute of Materials Science (organization) was awarded the Prime Minister's Award in recognition of its contribution to realizing independence in materials technology and research and development of future materials through the reestablishment of missions and creation of excellent research results following its promotion to an independent corporation in the 'Institutional Evaluation Field' of the 2023 National Research and Development Performance Evaluation.
In addition, Senior Researcher Yong-Taek Hyun of the Titanium Research Lab developed manufacturing and processing technology for titanium raw materials applied to the aerospace industry, etc., and established a production base and development of the domestic titanium industry through corporate technology transfer, etc., and Senior Researcher Ho-Sang Jeong of the Nano-Bio Convergence Lab achieved excellent research and development results in the field of field sensor technology using nanomaterials. He received a commendation from the Minister of Science and ICT in recognition of his contribution to revitalizing related research fields through creation and external activities.
Also, in the 2023 National Research and Development Performance Evaluation, Senior Administrative Officer Seongmin Jeon and Senior Administrative Officer Yongwon Ryu of the Planning and Budget Office received the Minister of Science and ICT Award in the 'Agency Evaluation Field' for their contributions. In addition, Senior Researcher Cheolwoo Ahn of the Functional Ceramics Research Lab received the Minister of Science and ICT Award for 'Top 100 Outstanding Achievements', and Senior Researcher Yulhee Lee of the National Nanotechnology Policy Center received the Minister of Science and ICT Award for 'Contribution to Quality Improvement'.
Choi Chul-jin, the president of the Korea Institute of Materials Science, said, “The Korea Institute of Materials Science is the only comprehensive materials research institute in Korea that leads the materials field,” and added, “We will continue to do our best in research to play a leading role by producing practical research results that are helpful to the people’s daily lives.”
Meanwhile, 'Science Day' was established to enhance the public's awareness of science and technology and to spread the atmosphere of science and technology innovation to strengthen national competitiveness. It is celebrated on April 21, the date of establishment of the Ministry of Science and Technology in 1967, and it is the 57th year this year in 2024.