과학기술정보통신부 산하 한국기계연구원(원장 류석현)은 오는 9월4일 오후 1시10분부터 서울 국회 박물관에서 ‘2024 글로벌 기계기술 포럼’을 온·오프라인으로 동시 개최한다. 과학기술정보통신부와 국가과학기술연구회의 후원으로, 기계연과 국회 더불어민주당 조승래 의원, 국민의힘 최형두 의원, 더불어민주당 황정아 의원이 공동 주최하는 이번 포럼은 디지털 대전환을 주제로 기계기술 관련 국내외 전문가를 초청해 변모하는 미래 기계기술의 발전 방향을 논의한다.
Presenting the development direction of the mechanical industry in the era of digital transformation
As the world enters an era of digital transformation to respond to rapidly changing business environments and market demands, the direction of development for the machinery industry in the era of digital transformation has been presented.
The Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (President Ryu Seok-hyun) under the Ministry of Science and ICT will hold the '2024 Global Machinery Technology Forum' both online and offline at the National Assembly Museum in Seoul on September 4th at 1:10 PM.
Sponsored by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National Research Council of Science and Technology, this forum, co-hosted by the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials and Rep. Cho Seung-rae of the Democratic Party of Korea, Rep. Choi Hyung-doo of the People Power Party, and Rep. Hwang Jeong-ah of the Democratic Party of Korea, will invite domestic and international experts in machine technology to discuss the future direction of the changing machine technology under the theme of digital transformation.
First, Professor Young-Seop Joo of Seoul National University's Graduate School of Engineering, who served as the head of the Small and Medium Business Administration, will be the keynote speaker. Under the theme of 'Innovation in the Machinery Industry through Digital and AI Transformation', we will discuss digitalization and securing sustainability, which are key words that dominate the world.
In the presentation session chaired by Joo Se-don, President of Pohang Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, Naver Future AI Center Director Ha Jung-woo will present on the topic, “From Sovereign AI to AI Diversity: Naver’s Strategy in the Era of Generative AI,” and HD Hyundai Site Solution CEO Lee Dong-wook will present on “Adding Artificial Intelligence to Steel: Digital Transformation of the Construction Equipment Industry.”
Antonio Kruger, CEO of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), will present an innovative approach to introducing artificial intelligence into the digitalization of German and European industries under the theme of “Innovation in Public-Private Partnerships for the Digitalization of the Machinery Industry.” From KIMM, President Ryu Seok-hyun will present a three-axis system of KIMM to lead K-Machine under the theme of “The Road to K-Machine, Integration of the Machinery Industry and DX/AI” and present cooperation plans for the machinery industry ecosystem.
The forum will conclude with a panel discussion led by the chairman of the Korea Semiconductor Display Technology Society, Jae-Geun Park (Hanyang University Distinguished Professor) and keynote speakers and presenters. It is expected that there will be in-depth analysis and discussion by each expert on the topic of 'Convergence of the Machinery Industry and DX/AI'.
Currently, the '2024 Global Machinery Technology Forum' is accepting applications for participation on its website (http://www.kimm.re.kr/forum). On the day of the forum, the event will be live streamed online on the forum homepage and the official YouTube channel of the Korea Machinery Research Institute, and real-time comment participation will also be possible.
Ryu Seok-hyun, president of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, said, “Various innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual engineering, and autonomous manufacturing are being rapidly introduced in industrial sites, and the government is promoting the acceleration of digital transformation through national strategic technologies amidst the competition for technological hegemony.” He added, “I hope that this Global Machinery Technology Forum will serve as a significant forum for discussions that will open the future of the machinery industry.”
Meanwhile, the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials has been hosting the 'Global Machinery Technology Forum' every year, inviting global experts from industry, research, and academia to discuss future issues in the field of machine technology and development plans, and this year marks the 11th anniversary.