에너지 관리 및 자동화 분야의 디지털 혁신을 선도하고 있는 글로벌 기업 슈나이더 일렉트릭 코리아(한국지사 대표 김경록)가 남녀 고용평등 실천에 앞장선 공로로 고용노동부가 주관하는 ‘2024 남녀고용평등 공헌포상 시상식’에서 대통령표창을 수상했다.
Implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion policies for ESG management
Schneider Electric Korea (Kim Kyung-rok, CEO of Korea Branch), a global company leading the digital transformation in the energy management and automation sector, has been recognized for its leading role in practicing gender equality in employment.
Schneider recently announced that it received the Presidential Citation at the '2024 Gender Equality Employment Contribution Awards Ceremony' hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor.
The Gender Equality Employment Contribution Award is a system in which the Ministry of Employment and Labor selects and awards outstanding companies and contributors who have taken the lead in practicing gender equality in employment by creating an employment and labor environment where men and women can work equally, such as support for work-family balance and maternity protection systems.
Schneider Electric Korea was recognized for creating a work environment and corporate culture where men and women can work equally through various in-house systems, such as: △operating a flexible work system including two days of telecommuting per week; △providing 20 weeks of maternity leave and spouse maternity leave; △providing 10 additional days of paid leave per year for family care; △operating a child education expense support system; and △mandatory hiring of female employees.
In particular, Schneider Electric is implementing the 'Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)' policy in various areas, such as a women's leadership program, a global policy containing the zero-tolerance principle, and securing gender diverse talent as part of ESG management.
Implementing a global pay equity program and reducing the gender pay gap to less than 1%We have achieved this by operating various policies for gender diversity, with the goal of having 50% of new employees and 30% of senior management staff be women.
Accordingly, in 2023, it was selected as the world's most women-friendly company by credible organizations such as the Financial Times, Bloomberg, and Equilip.
Kyung-Rok Kim, CEO of Schneider Electric Korea, said, “Schneider Electric is accelerating leadership and sustainability around the world by adopting IMPACT as a corporate value. Under the slogan, ‘Impact starts with us,’ we are striving to realize six values: Inclusion, Mastery, Purpose, Action, Curiosity, and Teamwork. We aim to become a company with diversity, equity, and inclusion by providing a safe environment where all employees, regardless of gender, are recognized for their inherent value and can do their best.” He added, “In particular, to achieve this goal, we are announcing and implementing sustainable indicators to increase the number of new female hires from new employees to senior management by 2025. Through this, we are striving to become a model company by strengthening equity and diversity so that both men and women can maximize their potential.”