한국생산기술연구원(KITECH, 원장 이상목)이 최근 단납기 맞춤형 디지털 플랫폼 K-Manufacturing Digital Platform(KMDP) 사이트를 오픈했다. 인터넷으로 고품질의 다품종 소량 생산을 주문할 수 있는 제조 플랫폼으로 제조업의 디지털화 및 글로벌화를 이끌 것으로 기대가 모아진다.

▲KMDP quote request page
High-quality, rapid, customized production platform, innovation in Korean production competitiveness
Support for free manufacturing technology video production, matching with professional research personnel
The opening of a manufacturing platform that allows for high-quality, multi-variety, small-quantity production orders via the Internet is expected to lead to the digitalization and globalization of the manufacturing industry.
The Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH, President Sang-Mok Lee) recently opened the K Manufacturing Digital Platform (KMDP) site.
This platform is an on-demand manufacturing platform that supports the demand for small-quantity, multi-variety production in the global market.
KMDP is a new corporate cooperation program of Saenggangwon, which introduces excellent manufacturing technologies of domestic manufacturing companies and supports successful order acquisition.
In addition, we will strengthen cooperation with domestic and foreign demand companies through the discovery of K-manufacturing technology, support for content production, support for manufacturing technology research and development (R&D), and support for testing and certification.
In particular, we support the production of manufacturing technology videos and conduct technology marketing through collaboration with a manufacturing process YouTube channel that boasts up to 3 million subscribers and 60 million video views.
In addition, the Korea Institute of Industrial Economics and Trade provides free manufacturing technology videos to KMDP manufacturing companies, and only companies that have obtained certification can apply.
In addition, KMDP matches manufacturing-related research personnel (technical mentors) with manufacturing companies. Supports order-to-production projects. Promotes collaboration with demand companies and supports projects in various ways to enhance the competitiveness of domestic and international manufacturing companies.
The website is easy to use. Manufacturing requests are made in three steps: △Request a quote △Find a manufacturing company △Find a demand company.
In the quote request, there are two types of requests: 1:1 quote, which sends a quote request only to the companies you select, and 1:multiple quote requests, which advertises to multiple companies.
When you request a quote for a desired item, we provide analysis and consulting on the specifications of the quote request so that it can lead to a contract conclusion at the initial contact stage with overseas and domestic demand companies targeting manufacturers within the platform.
In Find a Manufacturing Company, you can search for manufacturing companies by technology field and view videos and company introductions posted by manufacturing companies.
In Find a Demand Company, you can find demand companies that have requested a quote.
An official from the Korea Institute of Manufacturing Technology (KITECH) stated, “KMDP is a new corporate cooperation program of KITECH, a comprehensive research institute that aims for research and development and commercialization in the field of production technology in Korea.” He added, “Through this platform, we will widely publicize domestic manufacturing technology to the global market and support successful order placement.”
He also said, “KMDP will provide various support from technology marketing of manufacturing companies to high-quality, rapid delivery, and plans to strengthen global competitiveness through linking domestic and international manufacturing technologies.”
To visit the website, go to .