[Editor's Note] C-ITS, called the next-generation intelligent transportation system, is called an essential technology for autonomous driving level 3 or higher, and its market size is growing, and the role of V2X, which is its core, is also attracting attention. There have been many discussions and debates regarding whether to choose a communication method between WAVE and Cellular in relation to V2X, but Etiforce Director Koh In-soo said that the first thing to consider in the domestic C-ITS situation is not the 'communication method' but the 'service'. We invite Etiforce, which is pioneering C-ITS centered on the 5G-V2X platform SIRIUS, to
the '2023 e4ds Automotive Conference ' and hear more about C-ITS and V2X. Ahead of the conference, we spoke with Etiphos Director Ko In-soo, who will be speaking at the event.
■ Please tell us why C-ITS is attracting attention and what Etiphos’ ultimate goal is. C-ITS (Cooperative-Intelligent Transport Systems, hereinafter referred to as 'C-ITS') is an advanced form of ITS (Intelligent Transport System).
While ITS focuses on improving the safety and convenience of roads and vehicles by utilizing technology, C-ITS differs in that it aims to improve the safety and convenience of roads and vehicles by having road components such as vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, pedestrians, and road infrastructure exchange information and using this information as a basis.
C-ITS not only enhances safety at autonomous driving level 3, but also serves as a system to achieve fully autonomous driving level 4/4+ or higher, effectively exchanging and sharing traffic information and collecting, managing, and controlling it.
For this purpose, communication is essential, and for this purpose, Vehicle to Everything (V2X) is being introduced.
For example, if C-ITS is distributed, it is expected that the number of deaths and serious injuries will decrease by approximately 3,200 and 54,600, respectively, and social costs will be reduced by more than 48.6 trillion won, so such systems are absolutely necessary to enhance safety.
Established in 2018, Ettifos Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'ETTIFOS') is a development IP and full-cycle solution provider of 5G-V2X sidelink modem, one of V2X communication technologies, with the vision of 'connecting everything that moves on the road' to reduce traffic accidents andWe are working to eliminate emissions and achieve fully autonomous driving.
In particular, we are focusing on the development of 5G-V2X sidelink technology using software-upgradable SDM (Software Defined Modem) and domestic and overseas C-ITS projects.
■ I am curious about the issues currently being actively discussed in the industry regarding 5G V2X and what is being said about them. To briefly explain the technology, '5G-V2X' refers to '5G-V2X sidelink', which is slightly different from the method used in general mobile communications.
General mobile communication uses the Uplink/Downlink method, in which the terminal indirectly communicates with the user terminal (such as a smartphone) through the base station, but 5G-V2X uses the Sidelink method, which directly communicates between terminals or between terminals and infrastructure.
The main discussions related to 5G V2X today are the timing of introduction and verification.
There are two types of C-ITS communication methods: WAVE based on IEEE802.11p and LTE-V2X based on 3GPP release 14/15, which is a cellular method.
However, in Korea, the process of deciding whether to use WAVE or LTE-V2X as the C-ITS communication method has been continuously delayed from 2018 to the present, which has delayed the C-ITS infrastructure construction project.
As of 2023, work on this decision is still ongoing, causing many domestic companies to put their projects on hold or face difficulties.
As a result, the V2X communication method It can be said that the decision delay is inevitably delaying the introduction of 5G-V2X.
In any case, there has been a delay in establishing the C-ITS infrastructure to secure various data required for services, ensure the safety and reliability of vehicle manufacturers and drivers, and develop and secure useful services. There is also an issue regarding when to introduce 5G-V2X, which can process large amounts of ultra-low latency data essential for autonomous driving, and discussions are ongoing on how to transition to 5G-V2X while minimizing duplicate investments.
Lastly, I would like to express my hope that it is important to present clear decisions and directions so as not to further delay the improvement of the safety of the people and the improvement of the transportation environment.
■ What are the key issues that need to be discussed in relation to C-ITS? In the current domestic C-ITS situation, the first thing to consider is not the ‘communication method’ but the ‘service’.
The communication method is not an end in itself; its purpose is merely a tool to improve the safety and convenience of road users and enable autonomous driving.
The important thing is to provide a service that has been verified as stable and reliable, so that the public can happily experience C-ITS.
Furthermore, I believe it is necessary to establish and present directions and plans for rapidly deploying technologies for future services.
■ 2023 e4ds automotive conPlease give a brief introduction of what you will be presenting at the conference.
This conference will cover a variety of topics, from an overview of V2X, a means of vehicle-to-vehicle communication, to 5G-V2X sidelink technology.
In addition, we will briefly explain the Software Defined Modem (SDM) that can be upgraded by software, and explain domestic and overseas C-ITS cases.
This event will provide a detailed overview of C-ITS and V2X technologies, which will help explore ways to improve the transportation environment and safety both domestically and internationally.
We would like to thank everyone who attended the conference and hope that you gained valuable information and insights from this event.
■ Please give a word to your readers. Up to now, it is known that not only government officials related to C-ITS but also many companies are working to resolve the issue and are experiencing many difficulties as a result.
I think what's important in this situation is to have a clear and wise vision and to provide C-ITS services that readers can experience as quickly as possible.
In this regard, we will explain C-ITS and V2X technologies in detail at the automotive seminar hosted by e4ds, and we will try to help readers better understand the value and importance of C-ITS.
thank you