차량사물통신(V2X, Vehicle to Everything) 스타트업 에티포스는 자체 기술로 개발한 LTE-V2X 모뎀과 퀄컴의 LTE-V2X 모뎀 간의 상호호환성시험(Interoperability Test)을 성공적으로 완료하였다고 31일 밝혔다.

▲Etiforce CTO Dr. Yongtae Park (Photo courtesy of Etiforce)
Secure communication performance compatible with global-level commercial modem chipsets using pure domestic technology
LTE-V2X → 5G-V2X upgrade possible with just SW update… Minimizing sunk costs Etiforce, a vehicle-to-everything (V2X) startup, announced on the 31st that it has successfully completed an interoperability test between its own LTE-V2X modem and Qualcomm's LTE-V2X modem.
This interoperability test was conducted internally by Etifos using its own LTE-V2X terminal based on the Software Defined Modem (SDM) developed in-house and its roadside support station and vehicle terminal equipped with Qualcomm's V2X chip as test equipment.
Dr. Yongtae Park, CTO of Etiforce who supervised this test, said, “This compatibility verification is significant in that the V2X modem solution developed with purely domestic technology has secured communication performance that is compatible with global-level commercial modem chipsets.” He continued, “By utilizing the Etiforce SDM solution, road construction and operation organizations can upgrade from the current standard LTE-V2X to the latest standard 5G-V2X only with a software update without hardware replacement, which can drastically reduce the costs of infrastructure construction and maintenance.”
V2X communication is for connected cars and autonomous vehicles at level 4 or higher.It is an essential communication technology for driving.
Major countries including the US, EU, China, and Korea are finalizing V2X communication policies and making full-scale infrastructure investments, and the V2X market is taking shape in earnest.
Last December, Korea decided to use LTE-V2X as a single communication method through the 'C-ITS Single Communication Method Decision Expert Committee' to replace the existing DSRC (Direct Short Range Communication) method.
On July 5, the institutional foundation for V2X communication methods will be established through the 'National Radio Research Agency Notice', and full-scale V2X infrastructure and service deployment is expected.
Meanwhile, Etiforce is attracting attention from the industry by developing a solution that implements the C-V2X (Cellular V2X) method, which has been adopted as a national standard by China, the United States, and Korea, with SDM.
Etiphos recently completed a Series A investment of KRW 8.5 billion from LB Investment, Industrial Bank of Korea, L&S Venture Capital, and BNK Venture Investment in recognition of the potential of its SDM technology.