한국자동차연구원(원장 나승식, 이하 한자연)은 6일 서울에서 2024년 제2차 운영위원회를 개최하고, 내·외국인 인적자원 기준을 제시했다.
The Automobile Industry Human Resources Development Committee Steering Committee was held
The Automobile Industry Human Resource Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Automobile ISC) will present domestic and foreign human resources standards and expand the scope and role of business through education and training.
The Korea Automobile Research Institute (President Seungsik Na, hereinafter referred to as Hanjayeon) held its 2nd Steering Committee Meeting for 2024 in Seoul on the 6th.
About 40 key figures attended the event, including Director Na Seung-sik of Hanjayeon, Director Lee Jin-woo of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and Team Leader Lee Eun-hee of the Ministry of Industry.
Among the reported agenda items, the 2024 Automobile ISC autonomous planning project, ‘Research on introducing foreign workers in the automobile industry’, included the establishment of a visa for automobile parts manufacturers (E7-3) and improvement of the foreign designer system.
The introduction of a visa for automobile parts manufacturers is scheduled to be piloted based on the results of the Ministry of Justice’s total employment visa system at the end of December. The plan is to introduce a quota for foreign designers that is appropriate for the number of employees, up to large corporations.
The Automotive ISC plans to respond immediately to the industry's manpower needs and strengthen human resource management for small and medium-sized enterprises through the 2nd Steering Committee.
Chairman Na Seung-sik said, “We will collect opinions from the industry and promote highly effective projects.”