최첨단 레이더 솔루션 기업 비트센싱(bitsensing)의 김의철 부사장이 국가 ITS(지능형 교통 시스템) 기술 발전과 글로벌 시장 진출 확대에 기여한 공로를 인정받아 국토교통부 장관 표창을 수상했다.
Leading the global expansion of smart city ITS solutions, success in entering Italy and other countries

Vice President Kim Eui-cheol of cutting-edge radar solution company bitsensing has been recognized for his contributions to leading the global expansion of smart city ITS solutions.
Bitsensing announced on the 8th that Vice President Kim Ui-cheol recently received a commendation from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in recognition of his contributions to the development of national ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) technology and expansion into the global market.
Vice President Kim Ui-cheol leads Bitsensing’s global ITS business division and has spearheaded the global market entry of Bitsensing’s camera and radar fusion sensor, TIMOS, and its integrated ITS solution, TraXight™?
Last August, Bitsensing's Timos solution was selected as an excellent product by the Public Procurement Service.
TrackSight is an integrated ITS solution that can innovatively solve urban traffic problems based on optimal compatibility with Timos sensors.
This solution has been completed at the Porta Nuova intersection in Verona, Italy, through the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport's K-City network project, and is currently working to improve traffic congestion through AI simulation.
Additionally, Tracksite was recognized for its innovative technology and was selected as the winner of the CES 2025 Smart City Innovation Award.br />
Vice President Kim Ui-cheol is accelerating his entry into overseas markets through cooperation with countries such as Dubai and New Zealand, beyond Italy, and is achieving remarkable results, such as winning bids for large-scale ITS construction projects in the Middle East and Central Asia.
To expand its global ITS business, Bitsensing has established a dedicated business division led by Vice President Kim Ui-cheol and is actively pursuing entry into the global market.
Vice President Kim Ui-cheol said, “It is very meaningful that Bitsensing’s ITS technology has been recognized through this award,” and added, “We will continue to contribute to the globalization of Korean ITS technology through continuous technological innovation and strengthening of global partnerships.”