중소벤처기업부가 CES 2024 참석해 우리나라 기업들을 격려하고, 이후 애플, 구글 등 글로벌 기업과 협업 방안을 논의할 예정이라고 밝혔다.

▲Vice Minister of SMEs and Startups Oh Ki-woong (sixth from the left, photo provided by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
Encouragement for venture and start-up companies participating in CES and request for transfer of know-how on winning innovation awards
Visit Apple to introduce Korean companies’ achievements… Discuss collaboration to support small and medium-sized venture companies The Ministry of SMEs and Startups (hereinafter referred to as the MSS) announced that it will attend CES 2024 to encourage Korean companies and subsequently discuss collaboration plans with global companies such as Apple and Google.
The Ministry of SMEs and Startups reported on the 11th that Vice Minister of SMEs and Startups Oh Ki-woong will attend the opening ceremony of the CES 2024 K-Startup Integrated Pavilion and encourage domestic venture and startup companies that are showing off their technological prowess and innovation, and will discuss collaboration with global companies to support domestic SMEs and venture companies.
Vice Minister Oh Gi-woong congratulated the venture and start-up companies that received the Innovation Award on their awards and asked them to share their know-how in preparing to receive the Innovation Award with junior companies, as well as tips on operating and managing their booths during the CES exhibition period.
In addition, we explained the new startup support measures being prepared by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, such as the revision of laws and regulations for the global expansion of domestic venture and startup companies and the establishment of related businesses, and some startup companies considering global expansion showed great interest.
Some startups have a history of receiving help from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups’ startup support program after being selected for the program, despite the difficulties they are experiencing in the field. Vice Minister Oh Ki-woong also said that he would look into areas that need to be supplemented in the startup support program for small and medium-sized venture companies.
At the opening ceremony of the K-Startup Integrated Hall, Vice Minister Oh Ki-woong said, “I am very pleased that our K-startups can showcase their excellent technology and innovation at CES, a world-class tech exhibition,” and emphasized, “The Ministry of SMEs and Startups will focus its policy capabilities on globalizing our venture and startup ecosystem to help Korea leap forward as a global startup powerhouse.”
He added, “We will make the ‘K-Startup’ brand known around the world by smoothly implementing the comprehensive plan for Startup Korea announced at the end of August last year.”
Afterwards, Vice Minister Oh Ki-woong will visit Apple headquarters in San Francisco to introduce the achievements of Korean companies at CES and discuss collaborative measures to support domestic small and medium-sized venture companies.
In addition, we plan to visit Google, which is conducting a collaborative program with global companies called the 'Window Program', and discuss strengthening Google's own operating program to support domestic startups' overseas expansion and diversifying the areas of collaboration.