한국전자기술연구원(원장 신희동, 이하 KETI)과 광주과학기술원(총장 임기철, 이하 GIST)이 연구 및 기술개발, 인력 교류 등 상호 협력 체계 구축을 위한 업무협약(MoU)을 체결했다.
Multifaceted cooperation such as discovery of convergence R&D model and joint research
The Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI, President Shin Hee-dong, hereinafter referred to as KETI) and the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, President Lim Ki-cheol, hereinafter referred to as GIST) have joined hands to cooperate in cutting-edge convergence technologies.
On the 20th, KETI signed a business agreement (MoU) with GIST to establish a mutual cooperation system for research and technology development, personnel exchange, etc.
The two organizations are expected to present a new model of academic-research cooperation through this business agreement, such as strengthening the linkage between research and industry by combining KETI’s commercialization technology and GIST’s original technology.
KETI is Korea's leading public research institute in the electronics and IT fields. It supports technological innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises and focuses on technology commercialization and R&D in national strategic industries such as semiconductors, secondary batteries, and mobility.
GIST is a research-oriented university that leads the development of cutting-edge science and technology talents and innovative original technologies, and is conducting core research in future industrial fields such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and bio.
In the future, the two organizations plan to cooperate in various ways, such as ▲ discovering convergence models in six major research fields including next-generation semiconductors, artificial intelligence, displays, automobiles, content, and energy, ▲ planning joint research projects through professor-researcher matching, ▲ opening master’s and doctoral degree programs through industry-research collaboration, and ▲ inviting part-time professors and providing commissioned education. />
In particular, the KETI Gwangju Regional Headquarters IT Convergence System Research Center and the GIST AI Policy Strategy Graduate School will form a joint TF team to systematically implement these cooperation plans.
KETI President Shin Hee-dong said, “This agreement is meaningful in that it strengthens cooperation between research and industry based on convergence technology,” and “KETI will actively support the discovery of regional specialized projects centered around the Gwangju Regional Headquarters, as well as the creation of meaningful results through convergence research by both organizations and application of these results to industrial sites, so that they can contribute to future technological innovation.”