재생 에너지 채택이 증가하면서 최대 수요를 관리하고 지속적인 전력 공급을 보장할 수 있는 솔루션의 필요성이 커지고 있다. 전력망의 안정성을 유지하고 비용을 절감하려면 피크 시간대에 전력 사용량을 줄이는 피크 셰이빙(peak shaving)이 필수이다.

QDual3 module provides 10% more power
As renewable energy adoption increases, the need for solutions that can manage peak demand and ensure continuous power supply is growing. Peak shaving, which reduces power usage during peak hours, is essential to maintain grid stability and reduce costs.
Onsemi announced on the 12th that it supports system cost reduction and design simplification through the latest 7th generation 1200V QDual3 IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) power module.
The Qdual3 1200 V 800 A half-bridge IGBT module (hereinafter referred to as the Qdual3 module) is based on the latest Field Stop 7 (FS7) IGBT technology, providing high efficiency to reduce system costs and simplify design.
In a 150kW inverter, the Qdual3 module significantly reduces heatsink size by delivering 200W less dissipation than similar competing products. It is also designed to operate in harsh conditions.
△It is suitable for high-power electronic converters such as central inverters of solar power plants, energy storage systems (ESS), commercial and agricultural vehicles, and industrial motor drives. Two products are currently available, depending on your application.
This module stores excess power as surplus power in the ESS, mitigating the intermittency of solar energy and ensuring a stable and consistent energy flow. For large-scale systems, the modules can be connected in parallel to increase the maximum megawatt (MW) output, and compared to the existing 600A module solution, the 800A QDual3 module significantly reduces the number of modules, greatly simplifying design complexity and reducing system costs.
The Qdual3 module features an 800A half-bridge configuration incorporating the latest 7th generation trench field stop IGBT and diode technology, and is designed using ON Semiconductor’s advanced packaging technology to reduce switching and conduction losses.
Using FS7 technology, the die size is reduced by 30%, allowing more die per module, resulting in higher power density and maximum current capability of over 800A. The module features low IGBT Vce(sat) of 1.65V (1750C) and low Eoff, resulting in 10% lower energy loss than alternative solutions. It also meets the stringent standards required for automotive applications.
“The increasing electrification of commercial vehicles such as trucks and buses and the need for renewable energy sources are driving the need for solutions that can generate, store and distribute power more efficiently,” said Sravan Vanaparthy, vice president of Power Business Unit at ON Semiconductor. “The ability to deliver energy from renewable sources to the grid, storage systems and downstream loads while minimizing power loss is increasingly critical. The QDual3 modules feature an industry-standard pinout and market-leading efficiency, enabling power electronics designers to plug-and-play these modules to instantly improve system performance.”