글로벌 엣지 AI 시장은 2032년 약 2,698억달러에 도달하며 빠르게 성장할 것으로 예상된다. 이러한 가운데 아나플래시가 AI MCU 상용화를 필두로 신규 밴처 투자 유치에 나서며 실리콘밸리 진출 K-팹리스의 저력을 발휘하고 있다.
▲Anaflash CEO Song Seung-hwan
Low-power, low-cost AI MCU attracts attention from investment market
The global edge AI market is expected to grow rapidly, reaching approximately $269.8 billion by 2032. In the midst of this, AnaFlash is demonstrating its K-fabless capabilities by advancing into Silicon Valley and attracting new venture investments, starting with the commercialization of AI MCUs.
Edge AI processor developer Anaflash announced on the 19th that it has attracted new investment led by Stonebridge Ventures, a domestic listed venture capital firm, joined by L&S Venture Capital, Lotte Ventures, and Plug and Play.
AnaFlash said it plans to commercialize non-volatile AI MCU products for battery-powered smart edge devices based on the new investment.
Edge AI can be deployed on numerous devices in various industries such as automobiles, manufacturing, healthcare, energy, utilities, consumer goods, IT, and communications, and is one of the technologies that has recently been in the spotlight because it can process real-time data without a network connection.
“We believe AnaFlash’s flash-based AI acceleration technology is unique among edge AI processor vendors because it can provide an energy-efficient and cost-effective AI acceleration solution for battery-powered edge devices,” said Shin Sang-rok, investment manager at Stonebridge Ventures. “These processor solutions will have an impact on the growing edge AI market.”
Recently, AnaFlash signed an MOU with mobility solution company Drimaes to develop an on-device AI-based infotainment platform, and will also introduce a 28nm zero-layer embedded non-volatile memory IP with AD Technology.
AnaFlash is said to have recently completed tapeout of its latest node through collaboration with Samsung Foundry.
“We are bringing intelligence to battery-powered smart edge devices through a non-volatile processor that combines scalable flash memory technology with a neural network acceleration engine,” said Song Seung-hwan, CEO of AnaFlash. “We believe that this will be a game changer in terms of providing innovative solutions,” he said, adding, “The support of investors and research partners accelerates our innovation.”