국내 반도체 CXL IP 팹리스 스타트업 파네시아가 메모리 확장으로 AI 인프라 구축 비용을 대폭 절감 할 수 있는 파네시아의 CXL 3.1 IP 기술성과 혁신성을 인정받아, CES 2025 혁신상을 수상했다.
GPU memory expansion solution using CXL 3.1 IP
Panesia, a domestic semiconductor CXL IP fabless startup, has been recognized for the technological prowess and innovation of Panesia’s CXL 3.1 IP, which can significantly reduce the cost of building AI infrastructure through memory expansion.
Panesia recently announced that it has won a CES 2025 Innovation Award for its GPU memory expansion solution utilizing CXL 3.1 IP.
Panesia plans to unveil its 'CXL-based GPU memory expansion kit' at CES 2025 in Las Vegas, USA in January 2025.
Panesia won the Innovation Award at CES 2024 last year for its ‘CXL-equipped AI accelerator’ and has received the Innovation Award for its AI-oriented CXL solution for two consecutive years.
Panesia's CXL-based GPU memory expansion kit is a technology that expands the GPU's memory space by utilizing CXL 3.1 IP.
This solution connects a memory expansion device to the GPU to form a unified memory space, which is automatically managed by Panesia's CXL 3.1 controller.
This allows the GPU to access memory expansion devices as easily as it accesses its internal memory, allowing users to expand the GPU's internal memory capacity from tens of gigabytes to terabytes.
The biggest advantage of this solution is that it can significantly reduce the cost of building AI infrastructure.all.
Previously, it was necessary to install multiple expensive GPUs to secure insufficient memory resources, but Panesia's solution can reduce the cost of building AI infrastructure by reducing the number of GPUs required by expanding the memory per GPU.
Panesia is actually leading the technology development by releasing various AI-oriented solutions utilizing CXL IP for accelerators.
At the 2023 Flash Memory Summit, we presented a recommendation system utilizing the CXL 3.0/3.1 framework, and recently, we unveiled an AI Cluster equipped with CXL at the OCP Global Summit.
“Winning the CES Innovation Award for two consecutive years is a recognition of Panesia’s CXL 3.1 IP technology and innovation,” said a Panesia official. “Based on this award, we will expand our business relationships with various manufacturers and customers.”
Panesia's winning entries will be showcased at the CES 2025 Eureka Park booth from January 7 to 10 next year.