미국의 장기적인 국방 경쟁력과 안보 강화에 인텔의 역할이 커지고 있다. RAMP-C 기반 협력을 통해 인텔 파운드리와 국방부의 T&AM 프로그램은 미국 내 반도체 제조 성장을 도모했다.

▲Wafer manufactured using Intel’s 18A process technology / (Photo: Intel)
Trusted Semiconductor Solutions
Reliable Microsystems Participation
Intel's role in strengthening America's long-term defense competitiveness and security is growing. Through RAMP-C collaboration, Intel Foundries and the Department of Defense's T&AM program have driven the growth of semiconductor manufacturing in the United States.
Intel Foundry announced the participation of new defense industry-based customers Trusted Semiconductor Solutions and Reliable Microsystems.
This participation is said to be part of Phase 3 of the RAMP-C (Rapid Assured Microelectronics Prototypes - Commercial) project, which is being conducted by the T&AM (Trusted & Assured Microelectronics) program of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering.
The RAMP-C project, awarded through the S&MARTS (Strategic & Spectrum Missions Advanced Resilient Trusted Systems) OTA (Other Transaction Authority), will enable new customers to prototype and mass produce commercial and defense products for the U.S. Department of Defense using Intel Foundry’s cutting-edge 18A process technology and advanced packaging technology.
To meet the defense industry's critical size, weight and power requirements, it is critical to provide DIB customers with early access to cutting-edge semiconductor technologies. Defense industry customers have access to Intel Foundry's advanced packaging technology.
“This collaboration will contribute to the development of advanced secure semiconductor solutions that are critical to national security, economic growth, and technology leadership,” said Kapil Wadhera, general manager, Government Partnerships and Business Operations Group, Intel Foundry Services. “Intel Foundries plays a critical role in supporting the defense of the United States, and we look forward to working closely with our emerging defense-based customers to support their innovations with Intel 18A technology.”
“RAMP-C contributes to strengthening our national security by supporting advanced semiconductor design and manufacturing in the United States, including the development of leading-edge microelectronics technologies for Department of Defense and commercial applications,” said Catherine Cortell, DOD OUSD T&AM program director.