위치 추적 및 무선 통신 기술 분야의 세계적 선도기업인 유블럭스(u-blox, 한국지사장 손광수)가 자사의 포인트퍼펙트(PointPerfect) GNSS 보정 서비스에 RTCM(Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services) 데이터 형식 표준을 추가함으로써 이 서비스가 모든 GNSS 및 RTK(real- time kinematics) 수신기 하드웨어와 함께 사용될 수 있도록 서비스 범위를 확장했다,
Added RTCM RTK data format
u-blox (CEO Kwang-Soo Son of u-blox Korea), a global leader in positioning and wireless communication technologies, has expanded the scope of its GNSS correction services and improved the accuracy of location-based services such as autonomous driving robots.
u-blox today announced that it has extended the scope of its PointPerfect GNSS correction service by adding the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) data format standard, allowing it to be used with any GNSS and real-time kinematics (RTK) receiver hardware.
Until now, PointPerfect has exclusively provided correction data using the SPARTN data format. The addition of RTCM for greater flexibility lowers the threshold for service adoption and expands the applicable market for large-scale high-precision positioning solutions. This high-precision service can be seamlessly used by users on any GNSS RTK receiver module, u-blox or third-party device, or even a mix of the two, without integration expertise.
With this expansion of its service offering, u-blox introduces PointPerfect’s unique and flexible usage-based pricing model to RTCM users, offering a cost-effective alternative to the high annual service fees of traditional RTK providers. Pay-as-you-go pricing allows users to pay only for the time they use. Pooling rate plan, a shared rate plan, allows you to easily optimize costs by sharing service time across all operating devices.
With this expansion, PointPerfect GNSS correction service can now support a wider range of devices utilizing the RTCM data standard, including robotic lawn mowers, service delivery robots, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and precision agriculture.
PointPerfect RTCM service expansion delivers centimeter-level accuracy within seconds, is easy to use and cost-effective, offers seamless coverage across all continents, countries and regions, and delivers reliable performance with 99.9% uptime availability.
For inquiries about this service, please contact u-blox Korea (02-542-0861/info_kr@u-blox.com).