SK텔레콤(대표이사 유영상)이 통신 트래픽 증가가 예상되는 성탄절 전후와 연말연시에도 서비스를 안정적으로 제공하기 위해 이동통신 품질 집중 관리에 돌입한다.
Increase base station capacity in areas expected to be crowded, such as New Year's events and sunrise spots
SK Telecom (CEO Yoo Young-sang) is putting all its efforts into managing service quality during the year-end and New Year's holidays by increasing base station capacity in areas expected to be congested, such as New Year's events and sunrise spots.
SKT announced on the 22nd that it will focus on managing mobile communication quality to provide stable services during the Christmas and New Year's holidays when communication traffic is expected to increase.
SKT expects that traffic will increase during this year's Christmas season in busy areas and during major festivals, and will establish separate communication measures for each region to ensure full communication quality management.
Additionally, we plan to designate a special communication period of two days from December 31st of this year to January 1st of next year and operate a situation room.
During the period, SKT will deploy approximately 900 experts per day from subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners, including SKT, SK Broadband, SK O&S, and Home & Service, to monitor year-end and New Year’s communication services 24 hours a day.
Prior to this, SKT expanded the capacity of 5G and LTE base stations nationwide, focusing on areas where mobile traffic is expected to increase, such as bell-ringing and New Year's event areas, sunrise spots, train stations, bus terminals, major tourist attractions, accommodations, and other densely populated areas.
SKT predicted that nationwide data usage on December 31st would increase by approximately 7% compared to normal times and completed preliminary quality checks and service optimization work. />
In addition, we predicted a surge in traffic on social media and messaging services, such as New Year's greetings, on January 1st, and prepared countermeasures.
SKT predicts that illegal spam and hacking will become rampant, taking advantage of the year-end atmosphere where people exchange greetings with acquaintances, and is strengthening real-time monitoring and response to attempts to infringe security, such as mobile malicious apps and web hacking.
While intensively monitoring for DDoS attacks on the services it provides, it also plans to respond to smishing that impersonates the government or lures customers with international calls, and monitor zombie terminals.
Yoon Hyung-sik, head of SK Telecom’s infrastructure operation division, said, “We plan to do our utmost to provide stable service operation so that customers can spend the end of the year and welcome the new year in a peaceful and happy daily life.”