AI 및 디지털의 급속한 발전으로 앱 없이는 택시 잡기, 열차 예약, 식당 이용 등이 불가능할 정도 디지털 장벽이 높아졌다. 이에 디지털 격차를 해소하고 포용 사회를 만들기 위한 논의의 장이 열렸다.
▲2024 Digital Inclusion Conference screen capture
NIA Digital Inclusion Conference Held
Samsung introduces AI-based accessibility technology
With the rapid development of AI and digital technologies, digital barriers have become so high that it is impossible to catch a taxi, reserve a train, or use a restaurant without an app. This has opened up a discussion about how to eliminate the digital divide and create an inclusive society.
The 2024 Digital Inclusion Conference was held on the 20th at the FKI Tower in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, hosted by the National Intelligence Service (NIA).
This event, held under the theme of future challenges and directions for digital inclusion in the AI era, discussed social issues such as digital rights violations and widening gaps due to rapid development in the AI era and presented policy directions to respond to these issues.
△Samsung Electronics △Shinhan Bank △POSCO E&C and other companies participated and presented examples of digital inclusion activities in the private sector.
Lee Eui-yoon, Samsung Electronics Pro, introduced Samsung Electronics' AI technology that has made great strides in accessibility features. He explained that by holding down the volume button on the remote control of a Samsung Smart TV, one can access the accessibility menu developed by Samsung.
The following accessibility features have been developed and implemented: △Relumino mode for the low vision, △audible subtitles that detect text in videos using AI, △sign language interpreter zoom function, and △screen function setting through gesture recognition, all of which are equipped with AI technology. It is expected that more accessibility features will be expanded in the future.
There are currently a total of 24 accessibility features installed in Samsung Electronics Smart TVs, and the sign language magnification function won the CES Best Innovation Award.
The Ministry of Science and ICT announced that it will pursue policies centered on industrial governance of companies and markets that guarantee universal digital rights for all citizens in the direction of promoting Digital Inclusive Society 2.0. The following measures will be pursued: △Establishment of regional base platforms for digital learning centers; △Establishment of policies to prevent digital over-reliance, such as SNS addiction response laws; △Establishment and operation of the Digital Inclusive Society Alliance; △Enactment of the Digital Inclusive Act.