프랑스 전파관리당국인 ANFR에서 아이폰12 전자파흡수율(SAR)이 기준치를 초과했다는 소식이 전해지며 프랑스 주변국을 포함해 한국까지도 해당 사안에 정부당국이 움직이고 있다.

Corrective action and sales suspension may be taken when standards are exceeded
Investigation of 4 types including iPhone 12 Pro, Mini, and Pro Max As news spread from the French radio regulatory authority ANFR that the iPhone 12's Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) exceeded the standard, government authorities in neighboring countries of France and even in Korea are taking action on the matter.
The Ministry of Science and ICT requested Apple, the manufacturer, to report the relevant situation to alleviate public anxiety regarding the fact that the iPhone 12 model's electromagnetic wave absorption rate exceeded the standard and the corrective order to Apple, as reported by French authorities on the 17th.
The Ministry of Science and ICT announced that in the future, it plans to secure four iPhone 12 models and precisely verify whether they meet technical standards such as the SAR and then make them public. The affected models include the problematic iPhone 12, as well as the iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 mini, and iPhone 12 Pro Max.
If the results of the re-verification show that the values exceed the standards, it is expected that corrective measures such as a corrective order and a suspension of imports and sales will be taken in accordance with Article 58-4 of the Radio Act.
Earlier, the Ministry of Science and ICT stated that all mobile phones currently distributed domestically, including the iPhone 12, meet international standards related to electromagnetic wave safety and are all products that have received conformity assessment certification.
The iPhone 12 in question is currently in trouble. The French ANFR tested 141 phones distributed in the French market and found that the iPhone 12 exceeded the standard of 4W per kilogram by 5.74W, leading to a sales halt for the model and a corrective order for distributed products.
As the domestic market is also taking steps to manage after-sales services and re-verify whether the iPhone 12 standard is sufficient, attention is focused on the results.