머크(Merck)의 한국 추가 투자를 위해 방한한 캐서린 데이 카스(Katherine Dei Cas) 수석부사장(Executive Vice President)과 만나 투자에 대한 이야기를 들어봤다.
“Additional investment in Korea is critical to Merck’s success”
Bright Future Outlook for the Semiconductor Market Over the Next 10 Years
Customer-accompanying growth and constant inspection of sufficient supply capacity
[Editor's Note] On the 26th, Katherine Dei Cas, Executive Vice President of Merck's Delivery Systems & Services (DS&S) business, visited Korea to discuss additional investment in Korea. Merck's investment in Korea aims to elevate Merck's confidence in the future of the electronics industry and its business capabilities to a new level. Accordingly, our magazine interviewed Executive Vice President Katherine Dei Cas at Merck's production facility in Ansan to learn about the purpose of her visit.

▲Catherine Day Kas, Senior Vice President of Merck
■ I am curious about how you view the recent semiconductor market conditions. The semiconductor market is currently growing significantly. Although our outlook suggests that the current market appears somewhat slow, the outlook for the remaining 10 years is quite bright, and we expect significant investment and growth in the semiconductor industry.
Therefore, Merck Electronics' strategy is to become a solution provider to our customers.
■ I want to hear about the Delivery Systems & Services (DS&S) business. The Delivery Systems and Services division, which I am in charge of, provides equipment and services to support end customers.
■ I would like to hear about the purpose of your visit to Korea and your thoughts on additional investment. First of all, the reason I visited Korea was to meet our team here in Ansan.
Additionally, as the semiconductor industry grows and our major customers here in Korea grow, it is important for our business to understand this growth and demonstrate continued support for the Korean market.
So as the industry grows, we need to make sure that we're growing with our customers, that we have the manufacturing capacity that our customers need to grow globally, and that we have the right capacity in the right locations.
We need to continually evaluate whether to invest, given all the growth that is happening in Korea.
Additional investment in Korea is critical to us and our success.

▲Catherine Day Kass, Senior Vice President of Merck, and Merck Korea employees are taking a commemorative photo together.

▲Catherine Day Kass, Senior Vice President of Merck, is giving a lecture to employees.
※ Please refer to the video for detailed interview information.