한국재료연구원(KIMS, 원장 최철진)이 (사)한국소셜콘텐츠진흥협회가 주최하는 ‘제14회 2024 대한민국 SNS대상’에서 연구소 부문 최우수상을 수상하며, 인스타그램, 유튜브, 블로그 등의 SNS를 활용한 대국민 소통을 효과적으로 진행한 공로를 인정받았다.
14th 2024 Korea SNS Grand Prize Winner
The Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS, President Choi Cheol-jin) was recognized for its effective communication with the public through social media such as Instagram, YouTube, and blogs.
The Materials Research Institute announced on the 21st that it won the grand prize in the research institute category at the '14th 2024 Korea SNS Awards' hosted by the Korea Social Content Promotion Association.
Material Yeon operates various SNS channels such as Instagram, YouTube, and blogs, and is strengthening its promotion and communication through these channels. With the operating goal of being a 'communication channel that anyone can enjoy at any time', it is presenting content that encompasses all generations.
Materials Research Institute actively operates Instagram, YouTube, and blogs. On Instagram, Materials Research Institute mainly uses the official character 'Meoturi' (a name inspired by the English word 'Materials', meaning materials) to break away from the rigid image of a researcher.
Content that explains the principles of materials science and advanced materials hidden in everyday life in a friendly manner is popular. The Materials Research Institute YouTube channel is in the spotlight with the series 'Mahojin's Magical Materials'. This series is a science culture video in which Materials Research Institute researchers appear directly as science communicators to explain the secrets hidden in materials in an easy and fun way. It received a great response with videos of experiments such as shooting directly at bulletproof materials.
The blog provides the latest news and research results from the Materials Research Institute. It also provides information on exhibitions and corporate support services that the Materials Research Institute participates in.
Choi Chul-jin, the president of the Korea Materials Research Institute, said, “The Korea Materials Research Institute’s SNS is a channel that quickly and easily delivers trustworthy information to the public,” and added, “We will spare no support in online promotions, including SNS, so that it can become a space where anyone can enjoy and communicate at any time.”
The 'Korea SNS Awards', which is in its 14th year this year, is an event hosted by the Korea Social Content Promotion Association and sponsored by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and the Korea Influencer Industry Association. It was established in 2011 to evaluate the status of SNS usage by companies and public institutions, to publicize institutions that actively communicate with the public, and to establish a proper SNS usage culture. Every year, organizations that actively operate SNS are selected through a credible evaluation.