에너지 관리 및 자동화 분야의 디지털 혁신을 선도하고 있는 글로벌 기업 슈나이더 일렉트릭(한국지사 대표 김경록)이 다양한 전기적 문제로부터 모터를 보호하고 예기치 않은 고장을 방지하는 디지털 모터 관리 솔루션 ‘테시스(TeSys)’ 출시 100주년을 맞았다.
Protects motors from various electrical problems and prevents unexpected failures
Schneider Electric (Korea Branch CEO Kyung-Rok Kim), a global company leading the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has celebrated 100 years of pioneering motor control innovation, including protecting motors from various electrical problems and preventing unexpected failures.
Schneider announced on the 6th that it celebrated the 100th anniversary of the launch of 'TeSys', a digital motor management solution that can improve the efficiency of production processes.
Motors are a key component of the production process, providing power to various machines and equipment and playing an important role in many aspects such as improving productivity, ensuring quality, and increasing energy efficiency. Therefore, proper selection and maintenance of motors determine the performance and efficiency of the entire production process.
In fact, most of the equipment in the production process is operated based on motors. However, motors can fail due to aging caused by long-term use, defects caused by overload, and other complex reasons, which can affect the entire production line. To address this, the demand for motor management systems is increasing worldwide.
Digital motor management systems, which monitor the condition of motors in real time and have the ability to detect abnormal signs early, can protect motors from various electrical problems, prevent unexpected equipment failures, and maximize uptime.
Schneider Electric is introducing various digital motor management solutions to the market, including the TeSys lineup that can protect motors and improve the stability and efficiency of processes. TeSys, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, began its history in 1924 by developing the world's first bar-mounted magnetic contactor, an electrical control device used to repeatedly turn an electrical circuit on and off. It currently offers lineups such as TeSys Island and TeSys GIGA that can be applied to various sized sites.
TeSys Island is a digital motor starter that integrates four products into one module, including an electromagnetic contactor, an overload relay, an EOCR for definite protection, and a meter for measurement, for greater convenience. Up to 20 starters can be combined into one island, providing high expandability and efficiency.
TeSys GIGA is a next-generation electronic contactor and overload relay that actively reflects the industry’s needs due to digital transformation. It helps to significantly reduce equipment or facility downtime and reduce maintenance costs by self-diagnosing the contact life of electronic switches. This provides a simpler, more sustainable and safer experience for panel builders, consulting engineers, system integrators, facility managers and OEMs.
“It is critical to secure the safety and reliability of mission-critical operations in production processes, as well as to have complete control and the ability to quickly detect and resolve faults,” said Jiwoong Kwon, Head of Power Products Business Unit, Schneider Electric Korea. “The innovative technologies in the Tesis lineup are fully integrated into Schneider Electric’s digital solution, EcoStruxure, to provide additional business benefits, including reduced carbon emissions, increased power availability, enhanced operator and device safety, and cost savings.”