슈나이더는 최근 지속가능성 영향(Schneider’s Sustainability Impact, SSI) 프로그램의 2024년 2분기 성과를 발표했다. 이에 따르면 슈나이더 일렉트릭은 올해 2분기까지 지속 가능한 공급망 프로그램과 함께 에너지 교육 프로그램 등을 진행하였으며, 다양성·형평성·포용성(DEI) 분야에서도 뛰어난 성과를 보였다. 이를 통해 지속가능성 영향력 점수의 올해 목표인 7.40점 중 지난 1분기 대비 0.35점이 상승한 6.78점을 달성했다.
2Q Sustainability Impact Performance Announcement
Schneider Electric (Korea Branch CEO Kyung-Rok Kim), a global company leading the digital transformation in energy management and automation, has made continuous efforts to achieve sustainability, including reducing CO2 emissions by more than 600 million tons by the second quarter of this year.
Schneider recently announced the results of its Sustainability Impact (SSI) program for the second quarter of 2024.
Schneider Electric has established and is implementing 11 specific goals and 200 regional goals related to long-term commitments in six sectors: climate, resources, trust, equal opportunities, generations, and regions, to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and is announcing progress through a dedicated report every quarter from 2021 to 2025.
The overall target achievement figure for the sustainability impact score by 2025 has been set at 10 points, and the target figure is set and evaluated separately every year.
Schneider Electric has been implementing energy education programs along with sustainable supply chain programs through the second quarter of this year, and has also shown outstanding performance in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Through this, we achieved our sustainability impact score of 6.78 points out of this year's target of 7.40 points, which is a 0.35 point increase from the previous quarter.
First, Schneider Electric has continued to implement carbon neutral projects to accelerate decarbonization of its suppliers, reducing Scope 3 emissions from 19% to 33%.
It also set a goal of reducing CO2 emissions by more than 800 million tons by 2025 through energy-saving products, software and services, and achieved more than 600 million tons of reductions by the second quarter of this year.
In the education sector, we aim to train 1 million energy management personnel by 2025, and through extensive collaboration with NGOs, we have trained more than 680,000 personnel to date. In particular, the Schneider Electric Foundation is currently implementing the Get into Energy Transition sustainable energy transition education program in cooperation with the INCO Foundation in Senegal.
In addition, it was recognized as the best company in the field of universal registration documents at the 2024 French Transparency Awards for its implementation of various policies related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Additionally, we have been recognized as a fair company for two years by the Fair Wage Network for ensuring that all employees are fairly evaluated and compensated for their work.
In addition, Schneider Electric was selected as number one in the 'World's Most Sustainable Companies 2024' announced by the American weekly magazines 'Time' and 'Statista' last month, once again proving the strategic importance of sustainability influence.
“Schneider Electric’s recognition as the world’s most sustainable company is a testament to our efforts to decarbonize our value chain and evolve our business model,” said Xavier Denoly, SVP of Sustainability Development at Schneider Electric. “With our 2025 sustainability goals fast approaching, Schneider Electric’s innovative initiatives are a key part of our ongoing commitment to building sustained, deliberate performance and lasting impact.” The progress and highlights of Schneider Electric’s Sustainability Impact (SSI) program can be found in its quarterly reports.