글로벌 전자 시스템 개발 소프트웨어 기업인 벡터코리아(Vector Korea)가 소프트웨어를 가상환경에서 실행해 다양한 시나리오와 상호작용을 시뮬레이션 해 런타임 오류를 조기 감지 할 수 있는 ‘소프트웨어 인 더 루프(SIL, Software-in-the-Loop) 테스트 프레임워크’를 발표하며 소프트웨어 품질을 향상시키고, 개발 과정에서의 비용 절감과 효율성 극대화를 동시에 달성할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Simulation of various scenarios and interactions, early detection of runtime errors
Vector Korea, a global electronic systems development software company, announced that it has announced a framework that enables early detection of runtime errors by running software in a virtual environment to simulate various scenarios and interactions, which is expected to improve software quality and simultaneously achieve cost reduction and maximum efficiency during the development process.
Vector has announced the launch of its Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) test framework, a simulation solution for the development of automotive, aerospace, medical, robotics and industrial automation devices.
This framework can innovatively improve software quality by testing and verifying software in a virtual simulation environment, detecting runtime errors early in the early stage of development, and reducing hardware dependency.
“SIL testing is gaining attention as a powerful tool that can overcome the limitations of existing physical hardware-centered testing and safely and efficiently verify software in a virtual environment,” said Jaeyoung Hwang, head of the vehicle network business division at Vector Korea. “This framework will set a new standard for both developers and quality control teams.”
SIL testing is a method of testing software in an early stage by running it in a virtual environment to simulate various scenarios and interactions.It is effective in early detection of runtime errors that may occur in the system. It also has hardware independence that does not depend on physical hardware, so the test environment can be flexibly expanded or modified.
Vector's SIL test framework is compatible with a variety of system interfaces and provides the flexibility to operate on multiple programming languages and platforms. It also enables precise modeling and simulation of complex physical and software environments through integration with MATLAB, Simulink, FMI/FMU, etc.
In the future, Vector plans to add a feature that automatically generates IDL (Interface Description Language) by analyzing source code. This will simplify the construction of SIL test environments and support more sophisticated tests.