[편집자주] 산업과 제품 전반에 ST MCU의 사용이 보편화되고 있다. 특히 STM32 제품은 현재 3,000여개가 넘어가며 작년에만 600여개 제품이 출시됐다. 생태계와 개발자 커뮤니티를 강조하는 ST마이크일렉트로닉스는 최근 STM32 Summit on Tour Korea(이하 STM32 서밋)를 개최해 파트너사 및 개발자 세션, STM32 최신 솔루션 발표 등을 진행했다. 온디바이스 AI의 유행과 차세대 기술의 구현, 기능 안전과 사이버 시큐리티 신뢰성 확보 등이 화두가 되고 있는 가운데 STM32 서밋의 주요 아젠다들을 살펴봤다.
이영후 IAR 기술지원 매니저를 만나 이번 STM32 Summit on Tour Korea에 참가한 소감과 발표 내용에 대해 이야기를 나눴다.

▲IAR Manager Young-Hoo Lee explaining the solution at the STM32 Summit exhibition booth.
STM32·IAR SW package combination synergy↑
Optimizing Functional Safety and Cyber Security in STM
“Providing a solution to the lack of embedded resources”
[Editor's Note] ST MCUs are becoming widespread across industries and products. In particular, the number of STM32 products currently exceeds 3,000, with over 600 products released last year alone. STMicroelectronics, emphasizing the ecosystem and developer community, recently held the STM32 Summit on Tour Korea (hereinafter referred to as the STM32 Summit) to hold partner and developer sessions, and present the latest STM32 solutions. With the trend of on-device AI, implementation of next-generation technologies, functional safety, and cybersecurity reliability being the hot topics, we looked into the main agendas of the STM32 Summit.
We met with Young-Hoo Lee, IAR Technical Support Manager, to discuss his thoughts on participating in the STM32 Summit on Tour Korea and the content of his presentations.
■ Introduction to the solution in collaboration with ST At this event, IAR, in collaboration with ST, presented an application demo implementing functional safety. The demo booth also showcased a variety of solutions essential for systems requiring high levels of safety.
First, we presented a solution developed by applying a functional safety software package optimized for ST's STM8 and STM32. This solution is combined with the real-time operating system SafeRTOS to enhance stability in safety-critical applications.
As customers' functional safety and security solutions become more complex, their concerns are also increasing. As the construction of functional safety and security solutions becomes a major issue, customers can achieve stable and efficient development and time-to-market by combining IAR software packages optimized for STM to create synergy.
In addition, we secure code quality by using IAR Embedded Workbench IDE and C-STAT static analysis tool certified by TÜV SÜD. By utilizing SureSoftTech's SW testing solution, we secure the reliability of the system through a rigorous testing process, and we have stability and reliability through TÜV SÜD's testing and certification service.
This collaboration provides us with an integrated support system that enables our customers to build safer, more reliable embedded systems faster and more efficiently. This is of great significance in the embedded ecosystem where functional safety is becoming increasingly important.
IAR supports its customers through its ongoing partnership with ST, building a collaborative relationship as a partner supporting software in semiconductor-based environments.
■ Meaning of collaboration with ST ST looks ahead to the market and provides a quick overview of where customers will develop products and carry out projects. IAR is also preparing for the future and working to deliver value to customers one step ahead.
The collaboration with ST is also important to IAR. As a global semiconductor company, ST has outstanding technology and a global network. Through the collaboration between IAR and ST, we will further strengthen our functional safety and security solutions and provide them to our customers to develop safe and reliable systems.
By combining the technical expertise and know-how of both companies, customers can develop safer and more reliable products. This will enhance their competitiveness in the market. In particular, the lessons and experiences gained through this collaboration will be important assets in developing better solutions in the future.
■ Impressions from participating in the STM32 Summit We are honored to participate in STM32 Summit On Tour Korea 2024. This event was a great opportunity for ST and its partners to share the latest technologies and solutions and exchange their vision.
In particular, during the event, we were able to communicate directly with many customers and gain a deeper understanding of their needs and market trends. This experience will be of great help in strengthening future collaborations.
Engineers in the embedded field each have their own difficulties in the development reality, such as lack of resources and time-to-market pressure. In the midst of these difficulties, I feel rewarded that this event provided value by reducing customers’ resources, easily implementing requirements, and achieving functional safety and security through various development environment tools and FSG (Funtional Safety Group).
thank you