미국과 일본 등 글로벌 반도체 산업이 표준화 활동에 선도적인 모습을 보이는 가운데 기술 선도와 종속의 갈림길에서 국내 반도체 산업의 생존을 위해 산학연이 힘을 합쳐 표준화 동향과 전망을 공유하는 자리가 마련됐다.
▲2024 Semiconductor Standardization Forum
“Domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry must consider cybersecurity”
US-Japan standardization solidarity movement...Korea's national standardization strategy response
As the global semiconductor industry, including the United States and Japan, takes the lead in standardization activities, a forum has been created where industry, academia, and research join forces to share standardization trends and prospects for the survival of the domestic semiconductor industry at the crossroads of technological leadership and dependence.
The 2024 Semiconductor Standardization Forum was held on the 18th at Yangjae L Tower in Seoul, hosted by the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA).
This forum, held under the theme of future technological advancement and standardization of the semiconductor industry, presented the next-generation semiconductor standardization roadmap and promotion strategy, as well as the current status of neuromorphic device standardization, LPDDR6 and its impact in the AI era, and trends in the Korean unmanned fab working group.
At this forum, which was held with major organizations leading semiconductor standardization, such as JEDEC, SEMI, and IEC, Samsung Electronics, Intel, Professor Seong-Hoon Cho of Seoul Institute of Science and Technology, and Professor Deok-Ki Kim of Sejong University shared their insights.
The PEER Group gave a presentation on securing the future of semiconductor manufacturing, and the presentation video explained the current trends in establishing standards related to semiconductor cybersecurity following the large-scale cybersecurity incident in 2017.
Professor Jo Seong-hoon of Seoul Institute of Science and Technology said, “At the European Semiconductor Forum last year,“There has been a lot of interest in cyber security, and the time is coming when domestic semiconductor manufacturing will also have to pay attention to cyber security,” he pointed out.
He also introduced the recent trend of unmanned operation in semiconductor fabs. Jinhyuk Choi, Senior Vice President of Samsung Electronics, said while working as a corridor leader in the Autonomos FAB working group, “It is expected that semiconductor manufacturing sites will also be replaced by robots, and we need to prepare for this future.”
Regarding global standard trends, Japan's recent intensive standardization activities are related to packaging technology, and Japan is taking the lead in packaging technology, such as HBM. Japan is adding strength by having the United States participate in standardization progress and taking the lead in establishing standards.
In his opening remarks, Oh Gwang-hae, director of the Standards Policy Bureau at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, said, “When we announced the national standardization strategy for advanced industries in May, we plan to develop a total of 39 standards by 2032, including 15 new international standards by 2027 in advanced packaging, semiconductor small parts and equipment, power semiconductors, neuromorphic, and bio semiconductors,” and announced that they would strengthen cooperation with international standardization organizations and standard forum activities.