비전 AI 솔루션 기업 알체라가 필굿이노베이션과 제휴 계약을 체결하고, 전국 고속도로 휴게소에 AI 성인 인증 솔루션이 탑재된 무인 전자담배 자판기를 공급할 계획이라고 3일 밝혔다.
Philgood Innovation Contract Signed, Installation at Rest Areas Nationwide
Electronic cigarette vending machine based on AI adult authentication solution
Vision AI solution company Alchera announced on the 3rd that it has signed a partnership agreement with Feelgood Innovation and plans to supply unmanned electronic cigarette vending machines equipped with AI adult authentication solutions to highway rest areas nationwide.
Alchera announced that through this technology partnership, it plans to provide AI adult authentication solutions for unmanned electronic cigarette vending machines to be installed at highway rest areas, thereby creating a safe distribution environment.
Feelgood Innovation is a specialized company that manufactures and supplies smart vending machines (unmanned platforms), and supplies products to various fields including Samsung C&T, Hyundai Engineering, Amore Pacific, five-star hotels, and universities.
In particular, the company is accelerating its expansion into the 24-hour unmanned platform business by recently launching new smart vending machines for alcohol and electronic cigarettes.
Alchera CEO Hwang Young-gyu said, “The electronic cigarette market is showing tremendous growth every year, and the domestic market size is 2.5 trillion won, and the global market is expected to grow to 18.2944 billion dollars by 29 years.” He expressed his ambition, saying, “Starting with the domestic market, we will expand application to the global market and supply AI real-time authentication solutions across the unmanned industry.”