한국전자기술연구원(KETI, 원장 신희동) 광주지역본부가 국립환경과학원으로부터 호남권 최초로 미세먼지 간이측정기 성능인증기관으로 지정됐다.
Comprehensive establishment of a simple fine dust measurement infrastructure within the Gwangju Regional Headquarters
The Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI, President Shin Hee-dong) is embarking on a full-scale effort to improve atmospheric and indoor air quality in the Jeonnam region.
KETI announced on the 5th that its Gwangju Regional Headquarters was designated as the first fine dust simple measuring device performance certification agency in the Honam region by the National Institute of Environmental Research.
The performance certification system for fine dust simple measuring devices is implemented for fine dust measuring devices that have not received (preliminary) type approval according to the 'Act on Environmental Testing and Inspection, etc.', and provides information so that users can know and use the grade by assigning a grade (Grade 1, Grade 0, etc.) through performance evaluation.
The Ministry of Environment introduced a performance certification system for fine dust simple measuring devices in 2019, and revised the enforcement regulations of the 'Special Act on Fine Dust Reduction and Management' in June 2022 to strengthen post-management and measurement reliability.
Fine dust simple measuring devices must receive mandatory performance certification upon production or import, and institutions or companies that disclose measurement results to the public through fine dust simple measuring devices must regularly undergo performance checks every two years and six months after the initial performance check to maintain reliability.
KETI Gwangju Regional Headquarters was designated as the first CA-certified and CAC-certified testing institute in the Honam region by the Korea Air Cleaning Association in 2020. With this designation, the foundation for atmospheric measurement technology has been laid, and in the future, the atmospheric field (nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc.)It is expected that the new designation of an environmental measuring equipment testing agency for simple measuring devices (carbon oxide, ozone) will take the lead in strengthening the competitiveness of the national environmental industry.
KETI Gwangju Regional Headquarters Director Won Gwang-ho said, “By establishing the infrastructure for testing fine dust simple measuring devices for the first time in Honam, we expect to greatly increase accessibility for local companies and enhance corporate competitiveness.” He added, “KETI will continue to do its best to foster industries that protect the safety and health of the people from fine dust by establishing a support system that actively reflects corporate demands.”