한국재료연구원(KIMS, 원장 최철진) 연구소기업인 ㈜트윈위즈가 액상 항균/항바이러스/항곰팡이 소재를 개발해 이를 제품화까지 성공시켰다. 정부출연연구기관에서 개발된 혁신 기술이 기술사업화와 스타트업 창업으로 이어진 우수한 사례다.
Liquid antibacterial/antiviral/antifungal material technology commercialization
Twinwiz Co., Ltd., a research institute company of the Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS, President Choi Chul-jin), has successfully developed a liquid antibacterial/antiviral/antifungal material and commercialized it. This is an excellent example of an innovative technology developed at a government-funded research institute leading to technology commercialization and startup creation.
In the post-corona and climate change era, hygiene and cleanliness are becoming more important, so antibacterial and antifungal are no longer optional but essential. Most existing solid antibacterial materials were made by adding antibacterial ingredients to metal in powder or pellet form. Such solid materials have problems such as product color and appearance being changed and physical properties being deteriorated. In addition, solid materials do not dissolve well in certain environments, so there were limitations in applying them to various products and industries.
To solve the problem, Twinwiz Co., Ltd. successfully commercialized a colorless, transparent liquid material with excellent dispersibility and commercialization through research and development for over five years at the Materials Research Institute.
This material can impart antibacterial/antiviral/antifungal functions without changing the color, appearance, or properties of the product.
In addition, it has been verified as safe and functional by being free of environmentally hazardous substances and substances of high risk concern. From the customer's perspective, Twinwiz's unique strength is that it can be applied to existing production processes without additional processes or equipment, allowing for easy and quick creation of added value.
Twinwiz CEO Kim Chang-soo said, “We are currently aiming to apply it as a general-purpose material in the coating field such as film, coating solution, paint, and ink, and we are planning to expand its application to medical/hygiene/packaging/baby products along with latex gloves.” He added, “We recently introduced a mass production system through factory expansion and relocation, and have also started supplying to global companies such as Toray Advanced Materials and Jowang Paint.”
CEO Kim also said, “We will continue to identify the technical needs of demanding companies and develop additional essential functions. We will develop materials such as painkillers rather than vitamins to become a company that contributes to a clean environment and healthy daily life.”