인피니언 테크놀로지스(코리아 대표이사 이승수)가 최신 차량용 사이버 보안 표준 ISO/SAE 21434에 따라 TRAVEO T2G 오토모티브 마이크로컨트롤러 제품군에 대한 제품 규정 준수를 소급해 구현하며, 자동차 메이커들이 제품 개발 비용을 절감하고 시장 출시 기간을 단축할 수 있을 것으로 기대가 모아진다.
Providing customers with essential documents such as cybersecurity manuals and cybersecurity case reports
Infineon Technologies (Korea CEO Seung-Soo Lee) has provided a valid type approval certificate regarding security for 'TRAVEO™ T2G', which is expected to help automakers reduce product development costs and shorten time to market by resolving cybersecurity issues throughout the supply chain.
Infineon announced on the 19th that it plans to retroactively implement product compliance for its TRAVEO T2G automotive microcontroller family according to the latest automotive cybersecurity standard ISO/SAE 21434.
In this regard, all required documentation, including the Cyber Security Manual and Cyber Security Case Report, will be provided to customers.
The TRAVEO™ T2G automotive microcontroller family features a Hardware Security Module (HSM) that can perform a secure boot and ensure secure isolation of HSM applications and data.
“By using the ISO/SAE 21434 compliant TRAVEO T2G automotive microcontroller, OEMs can significantly reduce their effort to comply with UNECE R155 and R156 regulations and thus enter regulated markets faster,” said Ralf Koedel, Vice President and General Manager, Automotive Microcontrollers at Infineon. For existing customers, compliance is simpler, faster and more cost-effective as they can reuse existing software and hardware. New customers can also benefit from ISO/SAE 21434 compliance,” he said.
The TRAVEO T2G microcontroller is based on the Arm® Cortex®-M4 (single core)/M7 (single core/dual core/quad core) core and offers high performance, improved human-machine interfaces (HMI), high security and advanced networking protocols suitable for a wide range of automotive applications.
It also offers cutting-edge real-time performance, safety and security features, which are reflected in the introduction of, among others, a hardware security module (HSM), a dedicated Cortex®-M0+ for security processing, and embedded flash in dual-bank mode for FOTA requirements.
The planned new product certification will enable developers to continue developing ISO/SAE 21434 compliant ECUs using the TRAVEO T2G MCU, resulting in reduced product development costs and faster time to market for both existing and new platforms.